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The Eye of Envy, Movie, 1917 IMDB

Pictures provided by: humungus

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humungus SI

2023-08-10 00:45

[Image: eyeofenvythe1917title.jpg]

Rather an interesting drama with amusing intertitles on account of character names like Ambition and place-names like Success (“Which way is the road to Success?”).

One additional backgroundmobile here (the car on the left which makes no other appearance in the movie):
[Image: eyeofenvythe1917bg01010101.jpg]

night cub US

2023-08-10 03:46

Is this the oldest movie here?

chicomarx BE

2023-08-10 03:58

We have 'How It Feels to Be Run Over' from 1900. /m309.html

Baube QC

2023-08-10 04:00

sadly we'll never know how it feels since its a silent movie.. :D

we might also have the sequel , involving possibly the same car /movie_257654-Explosion-of-a-Motor-Car.html

-- Last edit: 2023-08-10 04:04:07

Raul1983 FI

2023-08-10 11:05

The backgroundmobile is a 1917 Chalmers

humungus SI

2023-08-10 16:04

To rephrase night cub's question: what is the oldest feature film on this site?

chicomarx BE

2023-08-12 20:24

If you leave the title field blank you can sort by year: /movies.php?letter=&sortBy=1&title=&page=1

It depends if you want to count short films 1900 to 1910, for feature length films there's "Fantômas" from 1913 and the Danish film "Dr. Nicholson og den blaa Diamant". Denmark had a film industry very early.

humungus SI

2023-08-12 20:47

^ Thanks.

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