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Скворец и Лира (Starling and Lyre), SU Movie, 1974 IMDB

Pictures provided by: moskvichok

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Also known as:

  • Skvorets i Lira (transliterated)

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moskvichok RU

2016-09-16 20:23

[Image: skvorets_i_lira__1974mp4_000279375.jpg]


[Image: skvorets_i_lira__1974mp4_001014083.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-09-16 20:25:06


2016-09-17 17:05

Thank you moskvichok !
Interesting movie (with an interesting context and plot).

I've notice just after the LiAZ 677 this composite :
[Image: skvorets_imcdb.jpg]

Aircraft on IMPDB :

EDIT : update IMPDB link & Thanks to have had identified the KAZ 608A.

-- Last edit: 2016-09-17 20:27:11

moskvichok RU

2016-09-17 18:00

LVCDC wrote Thank you moskvichok !
Interesting movie (with an interesting context and plot).

Last movie with great Soviet actress Lyubov Orlova (1902-1975).

LVCDC wrote I've notice just after the LiAZ 677 this composite :

Wow. Based on KAZ-608A.

-- Last edit: 2016-09-17 18:00:46

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