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L'humanité, Movie, 1999 IMDB

Pictures provided by: DidierF

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DidierF FR

2013-10-11 04:19

[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-02-05h27m28s242.jpg]
de Bruno Dumont.

Le choc de 1999, pour moi. Un film dont on se remet difficilement.

Je vous le laisse.
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-02-05h30m28s1.jpg]

DidierF FR

2013-10-11 17:24

Mais j'ajoute tout de même la baraque à frites dans un J7, pour la couleur locale.
Mais si, voyons, en haut à droite au fond :
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-10-19h05m03s174.jpg]

DidierF FR

2013-10-11 21:20

Oops, I almost forget this, for, sixcyl!
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-10-19h14m48s116.jpg]
What is it? Some 'Eurofighter'?

sixcyl FR

2013-10-11 22:01

Yes, RAF? Luftwaffe?

Ingo DE

2013-10-11 22:07

DidierF wrote Oops, I almost forget this, for, sixcyl!
What is it? Some 'Eurofighter'?

One of the several material -and of course financial- disasters of the Bundeswehr [:kiki]
It's first name should have been "Jäger 90" - because it was planned, that in 1990 it should have been already in the air...

Ingo DE

2013-10-11 23:12

By the many plates with 59 it seems that this movie was filmed in the sixcyl-area :)
As quite a lot of French movies, as it seems.

Corkeyandpals US

2013-12-15 23:05

Aircraft at:

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