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Nothing Barred, Movie, 1961 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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s13a LT

2021-03-10 10:29

[Image: filmtitle.398.jpg] [Image: director.69.jpg] [Image: cast1.42.jpg] [Image: cast2.42.jpg] [Image: cast3.30.jpg]

Country of origin: UK
Genre: Comedy

s13a LT

2021-03-10 10:29

Other background vehicles :
[Image: backc1.33.jpg] [Image: backc2.30.jpg]
Baffled by this one :think: :
[Image: backc3010437.jpg] [Image: backc30104375.jpg]

s13a LT

2021-03-10 10:29

For model railway/train set enthusiasts :
[Image: train1.11.jpg] [Image: train2.7.jpg] [Image: train3.4.jpg] [Image: train4.3.jpg] [Image: train5.2.jpg]

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-03-10 10:59

The train set is a Hornby Dublo 2 rail electric set, featuring a Duchess and a 2-6-4 tank engine and a Bo-Bo diesel. A little time, and I can go into exquisite detail if you wish, engine nos, part nos, dates etc.

-- Last edit: 2021-03-10 11:23:13

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-03-10 11:24

If you want me to, that is.

s13a LT

2021-03-10 11:25

Yes, sure :)

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-03-10 12:21

The two rail track was introduced in 1959, replacing the less realistic three rail tin track. It also meant the purchase of replacement locomotives, if you could afford it.

Express locomotive no. 46245 “City of London”. LMR main line express locomotive for London-Glasgow Royal Scot trains.

Tank locomotive no. 80033 2-6-4 tank model introduced Nov 1959. General purpose tank engine.

Diesel locomotive Class 20 1000hp Bo-Bo diesel model introduced 1961.

The signal cabin, an aluminium casting, was introduced in 1954, my book on these models has all the numbers etc. but it seems too boring to go into it. At 1961 prices, I would estimate that there is about £300 worth of equipment in these pictures. The average annual salary in U.K. in 1961 was less than £1,000, so there is about 17 weeks wages on the table!

-- Last edit: 2021-03-10 15:10:53

s13a LT

2021-03-10 13:14

Thanks for the very informative and interesting information, jfs! I knew train sets were not cheap, but never imagined that they were this expensive :wow:

johnfromstaffs EN

2021-03-10 13:31

The Hornby Dublo models were almost at the level of scale models rather than toy trains. The steam locomotive models were over £5 each, the type 20 diesel £3, rails were about 4 to a £, the transformer/power controller about £8, trucks 2 to a £, carriages about £1. The trackside buildings were £2 to £5 each. The layout includes electric points and maybe signals, a large specially built base table and some scenery.

The Tri-ang train sets were much cheaper, about 60% of a Hornby iirc, and the Bassett-Lowke were much more expensive!

Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2021-03-10 16:28:52

dsl SX

2021-03-11 23:38

s13a wrote Other background vehicles .... Baffled by this one
[Image: backc3010437.jpg] [Image: backc30104375.jpg]

Best guesses, but not confident - Frazer-Nash coupe (they only made 11 fixed-head examples, so not very likely) or very early Marcos GT - they did lots of strange shapes to start with.

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