
Last completed movie pages

Asalto en Tijuana, Movie, 1984 IMDB

Pictures provided by: timo

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timo EG

2014-03-19 16:37

[Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_000230_20140321_220104.jpg]

Passenger plane
[Image: air1.jpg]

There was a helicopter in this movie had a main role which must be rated 4 stars on
[Image: 15.jpg] [Image: heli1.jpg]

flying horse...hahahaaaa
[Image: 17.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-03-22 20:08:59 (karoomay)

Gamer DE

2014-03-19 16:43

@ timo: Movie titles should start with capital letters. ;)
Not on IMDb?

-- Last edit: 2014-03-19 16:43:30

timo EG

2014-03-19 16:48

thanks gamer and i am so sorry, and i will be careful to that in the future movies posts .

-- Last edit: 2014-03-19 16:48:42

sixcyl FR

2014-03-19 20:23

Hello timo :hello:
Thanks for the aircraft pics. How do you upload them on the comments sections? I can't open the file by clicking on them as usual, and therefore can't record them on my disk.

-- Last edit: 2014-03-19 20:24:15


2014-03-19 21:54

@ sixcyl:
For the pics, it must be a [ img]url-of-the-picture[/img] BbCode tag. It can be "clickable" if you use the [ url=url-of-the-chosen-page][ img]url-of-the-picture[/img][/url] double tag.
(Just erase the blank I put before img] and url=...], as I did it for the website can not recognize it as BbCode tags)

For saving these pics, you usually have the "save the picture as" command in your web browser, when right-clicking. Or you may also just copy-paste the url, if it's all you need (for example to put it in a [ img][/img] BbCode tag :D ).

-- Last edit: 2014-03-19 22:07:20

timo EG

2014-03-19 23:52

hi sixcyl , i uploaded the aircraft pics using the comments sections and the tab " store pictures on the site " .


2014-03-20 03:07

@ timo: it's weird, the pictures that are loaded this way are usually "clickable" ones. Did you check or uncheck any option while uploading them?
@ sixcyl: I have made a reminder about BbCode, if you're interested in. It's in the forum.

-- Last edit: 2014-03-20 03:19:55

antp BE

2014-03-20 15:35

They are not clickable because what you see is the full size picture. Check vehicle pictures: they are small too.

timo EG

2014-03-20 16:43

dear sixcyl, put the cursor on the aircraft pics then " right click " on the pic then "save image as " simply record them on your disk .

Gamer DE

2014-03-21 20:50

He is rather...if I said what he was I'd state the obvious. But you're a new member here, so I'll state it: a friend, but not a maniac, of elegant women. ;)

timo EG

2014-03-21 21:10

sorry gamer but i marked that friend sixcyl is very interested in aircrafts pics..and i will listing to him all of heli pics in this movie...again i am so sorry friend gamer .

timo EG

2014-03-21 21:11


Gamer DE

2014-03-21 21:15

You don't need to be sorry. Sixcyl is interested in both. :)

timo EG

2014-03-21 23:46

very thanks friend gamer for your kindness .

timo EG

2014-03-22 20:25

[Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_003707_20140322_210338.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_003753_20140322_210241.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_004008_20140322_210413.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_004149_20140322_210454.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_005819_20140322_210556.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_004146_20140322_210436.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_005842_20140322_210651.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_010503_20140322_210732.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_005836_20140322_210629.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_010509_20140322_210753.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_010535_20140322_210833.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_010735_20140322_211055.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_010752_20140322_211214.jpg] [Image: asaltoentijuanaavi_snapshot_010819_20140322_211316.jpg]
great heli scenes for friend sixcyl

-- Last edit: 2014-03-22 20:48:05

sixcyl FR

2014-03-24 21:26

antp wrote They are not clickable because what you see is the full size picture. Check vehicle pictures: they are small too.

Bon alors, il y a bien un problème avec ces images?! ... pourquoi ne font elles que 352x240?? ...3ou 5kOctets?

sixcyl FR

2014-03-24 21:27

Thanks friend Timo.... But why your pictures are only 352x240 size?'s rather low definition, isn't it? :/

antp BE

2014-03-25 17:13

sixcyl wrote
Bon alors, il y a bien un problème avec ces images?! ... pourquoi ne font elles que 352x240?? ...3ou 5kOctets?

Je sais pas, soit ça vient d'une vidéo basse définition (hypothèse la plus probable) soit il les a réduites, mais on ne peut rien y faire en tout cas, elles ont été fournies comme ça au site :D

-- Last edit: 2014-03-25 17:13:54

timo EG

2014-03-25 18:02

sixcyl wrote Thanks friend Timo.... But why your pictures are only 352x240 size?'s rather low definition, isn't it? :/
very sorry , friend sixcyl...because, the movie is in bad low quality from the site which i had downloaded the movie from it ( this movie is rare on the web ).

-- Last edit: 2014-03-25 18:05:29

Corkeyandpals US

2017-10-06 19:11

Aircraft at:

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