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The Rocka, NO Movie, 2012 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Lateef

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Lateef NO

2014-03-19 22:25

[Image: title.32.jpg]

Lateef NO

2014-03-19 22:25

[Image: i1.59.jpg] [Image: i2.54.jpg]

Lateef NO

2014-03-19 22:26

[Image: palm.1.jpg]

4.1 rating on IMdb... Jesus H. Tapdancing Liberace Christ, people need to get a sense of humour.

rtsbusman1997 US

2014-03-19 23:27

Was it particularly bad or something? Sounds interesting from the one review on IMDB.

Lateef NO

2014-03-20 09:38

It was not bad at all. It nearly had me choking from laughing at several occasions. I can understand why some people thought the movie was unfunny from utilising a lot of awkward and inappropriate comedy, but it deserves at least a 6.5 rating. I think it's the funniest Norwegian comedy since the legendary docu-soap Borettslaget. I have to re-visit this series again.

sixcyl FR

2014-03-23 17:24

Aircraft at:

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