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Rommel, Movie made for TV, 2012 IMDB

Pictures provided by: andrepa

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andrepa DE

2012-11-02 21:19

Link to ""
counter shot "unkwon" sedan [Image: daserste2012-11-0202-18-39.jpg] 1939 Chevrolet

-- Last edit: 2012-11-03 12:24:51

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-11-02 21:32

@ingo will be interested in the "antike Autobahnschild". :)

andrepa DE

2012-11-02 21:48

[Image: daserste2012-11-0201-56-33.jpg] [Image: daserste2012-11-0201-56-56.jpg] [Image: daserste2012-11-0201-57-41.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-11-02 21:59:08

Ingo DE

2012-11-02 21:51

:think: Is it an authentic repro? I'm not familar with the Autobahn-history of that times.

andrepa DE

2012-11-02 21:53

it is completely wooden replica , with white frame to be seen in period movies
even could be prepared by using authentic master from postcard etc. on
Autobahn Karlsruhe - Munich

-- Last edit: 2012-11-02 21:55:53

Ingo DE

2012-11-02 21:55

For sure it's a replica, I mean, that I don't know, how the original Autobahn-signs have looked back then - if there already had been some.

andrepa DE

2012-11-02 21:56

of course, the pale blue color was allready in use, but very few signs will have a look in archive ...
[Image: snp200910235210123281.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-11-02 22:17:16

andrepa DE

2012-11-02 22:27

remember a movie , showing Autobahn Munich Salzburg with original signs going to contribute some day
[Image: fake.jpg] [Image: autobaschi.jpg] finally in color shot in the 50ies wooden panels quite obviousely
although defintely postwar, still in style of RAB signs will search for "Vorwegweiser" like in our movie
once found concrete poles of deleted RAB sign on abandoned part of A81 recultivated but that´s another story
(planed to visit all remains of RAB in mid 80ies before they are gone, started with Aichelbergviadukt)

-- Last edit: 2012-11-03 00:38:32

andrepa DE

2012-11-03 00:45

Pz.Kpfw. III digitally animated
[Image: daserste2012-11-0201-40-35.jpg]
original Nebvelwerfer

-- Last edit: 2012-11-03 01:24:20

Ingo DE

2012-11-03 09:20

andrepa wrote
(planed to visit all remains of RAB in mid 80ies before they are gone, started with Aichelbergviadukt)

So of course you know , I suppose.

andrepa DE

2012-11-03 12:26

sure, but haven´t visited for a long time, since beeing here ;)
lostplaces is the other site:

Ingo DE

2012-11-03 13:56

Nono, is the actual For some juristic reasons it was renamed 2 years ago. I still got the admin's email.

andrepa DE

2012-11-03 14:31

thank you, ingo, as i didn´t know, frontpage lostplaces showing old road sign, made me think could be your found!
let me know, when you make excursuion to any lost place. :)

andrepa DE

2012-11-03 14:40

[Image: daserste2012-11-0202-27-46.jpg] [Image: daserste2012-11-0202-27-45.jpg]

Ingo DE

2012-11-03 14:45

andrepa wrote for IMRDB
[Image: daserste2012-11-0202-27-45.jpg]

Anachronism: the etui has a zipper. Although they already existed back then, they were not common in Germany before the 50ies.

Ingo DE

2012-11-03 14:45

Until now I only have added some postings about the Behelfsflugplätze on the Autobahnen and some about the "corruption-exit", which my wife and me have in daily use (provoking some unbelieving and loath comments).

A propos Behelfslandebahn: they exist in Northkorea, too. Here on the N7 between Hamhung and Wonsan:

And between Kaesong and Pyongyang:


-- Last edit: 2012-11-03 23:27:55

Andre Malraux

2012-11-03 18:32

deleted comment

Ingo DE

2012-11-03 18:52

Andre Malraux wrote Who plays the great man?

Andre Malraux

2012-11-03 18:54

deleted comment

Andre Malraux

2012-11-03 19:20

deleted comment

andrepa DE

2012-11-03 22:23

the steam engines in "Amen" are romanian rebuilts 230 class of german BR 38 prussian P8
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2012-11-03 22:27:49

andrepa DE

2012-11-03 22:34

Andre Malraux wrote Thanks!

[Image: daserste2012-11-0202-45-25.jpg]

andrepa DE

2012-11-04 03:27

at ingo, size and proportion of concrete carriageway slabs of N7 in Northkorea and good old Autobahn seems to be the same!
even more interesting, the Tatra 613 S!

-- Last edit: 2012-11-04 03:31:39

Ingo DE

2012-11-04 11:07

@andrepa: yes, the construction -concrete slabs- was identical as our technology between the 1930ies to 1950ies. When I'm able to resize my fellow's pics, I will show also DPRK-Autobahn-traffic signs - they have them, not as some rumours are saying, tht's a country without traffic signs at all. It seems, that the Autobahn-sign are so new, that they didn't appear on the painted(!) list, I've already shown in the forum:
There you also can see a bit more about our "running gag" - the Tatra 613 ;)

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