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メッセンジャー (Messengers), JP Movie, 1999 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp

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Comments about this movie

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antp BE

2009-05-31 19:00

Lots of background cars, I know, but lots of cars are visible as most of the movie is set in Tokyo streets.

Car action: A Toyota Crown Comfort tries to pass a low bridge, and brakes because it can't pass. It is then hit by two cars:
and the last one manages to avoid them:

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-05-31 22:32

The number of foreign cars in the film seems to be more than usual for Japan.

cl82 DE

2009-06-01 00:13

Yes, but still there are countless cars which are only sold in Japan or which are not available in Europe- which makes them of course very interesting for someone like me who doesn't know them at all, so thanks for posting them.

antp BE

2009-06-01 00:23

This movie was a nice surprise, lots of "exotic" cars: some unusual for us, because Japan-only as you said, and some others probably rather uncommon for Japan streets.
(and I even liked the movie itself :D I found it nice)

-- Last edit: 2009-06-01 00:23:42

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