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Zero no shôten, Movie, 1961 IMDB

Pictures provided by: DidierF

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Also known as:

  • Zero Focus

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DidierF FR

2013-10-25 06:13

[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-24-23h57m49s237.jpg]

In this Yoshitarô Nomura's film, a newlywed woman leaves Tokyo to find what happened to her husband in the Noto Peninsula (central Honshu, on the Sea of Japan)…
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-00h09m27s219.jpg]

… but, in a gloomy hitchcokesque atmosphere, she discovers that he might have been leading a double life and that he could even have been murdered… This general mood of the movie is very interesting and makes the thing very worthy for at least the first hour.
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-01h51m25s130.jpg]

Then, it becomes a tad talkative but the story is good enough to keep you wanting to know. And the black and white cinematography is so great!

Une toute jeune épouse quitte Tokyo pour la péninsule de Noto, sur la mer du Japon, à la recherche de son mari qui a disparu. Dans le froid et la neige, elle commence à se demander si son homme n'aurait pas mené une double vie et si même il n'aurait pas été assassiné…

Une atmosphère hitchcokienne et prenante pendant une bonne heure, à la suite de quoi le film devient un peu bavard. Mais la photo est splendide.

[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-01h52m24s191.jpg]

Carwise, a lot of stuff, you'll see. Among it, a pick-up car I never saw before (I couldn't find on the db) and a Corona I think) with snow chains on the back wheels.

Côté bagnoles et autres véhicules, plein de trucs, dont un pick-up sans équivalent sur la db, il me semble, et une Corona avec des chaînes anti-neige.

By some USAF base close to Tokyo, a Crusader, I think, sixcyl.
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-00h56m24s255.jpg]

Voilà. Конец.
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-03h06m21s88.jpg]
(Notez l'arc-en-ciel.)

Plutôt que de "noter l'arc-en-ciel" qui n'en est pas un, d'ailleurs, mais une trouée de lumière dans la nuée, tu aurais mieux fait, mon Didi, de donner le nom de l'actrice principale, absolument formidable, et même inoubliable. Son nom, c'est Yoshiko Kuga. Voilà qui est fait, et mieux vaut tard que jamais.

-- Last edit: 2019-05-24 12:50:20

Q-Ball JP

2013-10-25 15:41

Good job, DidierF.
A few of the unknowns may be better suited for the comment section, though.

sixcyl FR

2013-10-25 21:31

Indeed good work! with sensitive interesting comments as always with DidierF comments :king:
Agreed with you about the aircraft as well, some kind of Crusader seems ok to me ;)

DidierF FR

2013-10-25 22:13

Merci messieurs, vous êtes gentils.

About the US Air base (Tachikawa Air Base, I believe), there was a pick-up truck passing from side to side, a 59 Chevrolet Apache maybe:
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-00h53m57s48.jpg][Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-00h55m20s171.jpg]

And among the leftovers, a sort of (Japanese?) jeep is seen through the window:
[Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-00h57m54s191.jpg][Image: vlcsnap-2013-10-25-00h58m04s194.jpg]

Corkeyandpals US

2014-01-12 17:37

Aircraft at:

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