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Steeltown Murders, Mini-Series, 2023 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2023-07-01 16:13

I can take this on if no-one else to claim it. Would make it my next project, but can't do much for a few days so happy if anyone else wants to leap in and take it. If so, please make yourself known.

chicomarx BE

2023-07-03 02:51

Officially certified as dsl's project. Exclusively owned by dsl and no one is allowed to drop in a background car later.

dsl SX

2023-07-03 23:14

I shall do my best to honour the task bestowed upon me. However I'm at the top of the Scottish mainland monitoring a windfarm build and staying in a hotel with wi-fi which only works when it feels like it. So progress may be not be rapid ...

night cub US

2023-07-03 23:19

[Image: screenshot2023-07-03171747.jpg]

dsl SX

2023-07-03 23:31

It has its moments. But this isn't one of them - shite weather, sterile ground. But as consolation fantastic freshly landed fish'n'chips, even though I'm only a couple of miles from Dounreay nuclear reactor (anyone for fission chips??). Haven't started glowing yet, but it's only a matter of time ...

Baube QC

2023-07-04 04:41

@ night cub :lol:


2023-07-04 04:50


johnfromstaffs EN

2023-07-04 08:48

dsl wrote It has its moments. But this isn't one of them - shite weather, sterile ground. But as consolation fantastic freshly landed fish'n'chips, even though I'm only a couple of miles from Dounreay nuclear reactor (anyone for fission chips??). Haven't started glowing yet, but it's only a matter of time ...

Worry not. I was first exposed to such things on board a nuclear submarine about 50 years back, and I’m still fairly dim.

dsl SX

2023-07-16 00:47

[Image: title.668.jpg]

Set in 1973 and 2002-03 - some legible tax discs confirm

Rejects - BMC 250 JU Luton van; Escort Mk2 (I think) in "1973", so doesn't quite fit
[Image: r18-41ju250.jpg] [Image: r21-04escmk2.jpg]

[Image: tv405.jpg] [Image: tvb.jpg] [Image: tvcr10.jpg]

Good old 405 lines on 1st one, Renault 10 facelift in third

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