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Paradoks, TV Series, 2012 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2017-11-30 16:41

[Image: 01par.jpg]

Police calendar with police Alfa 159 visible in few eps (here in ep. 01):
[Image: 0arkale.jpg]

Ep. 01 Crane (by BUMAR) [*][*]:
[Image: zuraw1.jpg] [Image: zuraw2.jpg]
mike962 wrote crane is this thing
Link to ""
[Image: tatra-815-bumar-ds-0203t-craneaef3972c.jpg]
now if the truck itself is also Tatra impossible to tell

Ep. 02 - Cadillac(?) and Camaro on lot of guy who liked such vehicles it seems [*]:
[Image: 0cad.1.jpg] [Image: zmotend13.jpg]

Ep. 09 and 13 - footage with police vans:
[Image: vane9.jpg]

Ep. 13 - truck/chassis-cab [*][*]:
[Image: tru.jpg]
These are the taillights seen in the far background behind the window.
The dashboard in the foreground belongs to this Ford.

-- Last edit: 2017-12-06 18:54:12

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