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Six Feet Under, US TV Series, 2001-2005 IMDB

Pictures provided by: wickey, DAF555, 72sonett, ahight, midnight

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Also known as:

  • Six pieds sous terre
  • Два метра под земята ООД (Bulgaria)
  • A Sete Palmos (Brazil)
  • Odpočívej v pokoji (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Six Feet Under - Gestorben wird immer (Germany)
  • A dos metros bajo tierra (Spain)
  • Mullan alla (Finland)
  • Grafeio kideion Fisher (Greece)
  • Γραφείο κηδειών Φίσερ (Greece)
  • 身前身後 (Hong Kong SAR)
  • Dva metra pod zemljom (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Sírhant Művek (Hungary)
  • Amok Ba'Adama (Israel)
  • シックス・フィート・アンダー (Japan)
  • Šešios pėdos po žeme (Lithuania)
  • Seis pies bajo tierra (Mexico)
  • Seks fot under (Norway)
  • Sześć stóp pod ziemią (Poland)
  • Sete Palmos de Terra (Portugal)
  • Sub pãmânt S.R.L. (Romania)
  • Два метра под земљом (Serbia)
  • Шест стопа под земљом (Serbia)
  • Клиент всегда мертв (Russia)
  • Pod ruso (Slovenia)
  • Odpočívaj v pokoji (Slovakia)
  • 六呎風雲 (Taiwan)
  • Клієнт завжди мертвий (Ukraine)
  • Dưới Sáu Tấc Đất (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

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See the 2 comments from this page that were archived


ahight US

2007-02-21 03:15

[Image: titlein3.3520.jpg]

[Image: 3housekz1.3497.jpg] [Image: 3gooddogwz2.1417.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-02-21 15:30:52

car nerd US

2007-02-21 07:15

Funeral Home they used for exterior shots is a real house in Southeast Los Angeles just off the 10 Freeway at Arlington/Western Avenue Exit. I found it by accident one day when I got lost.

-- Last edit: 2007-02-21 07:16:07

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-02-21 17:59

appart form the hearse crash at the beginning of the series, are there any other crashes,(or chase, which i doubt)?

ahight US

2007-02-21 18:03

i only have disc 1 of season that's the only one so far. i know every episode at the beginning has someone dieing and i think there were other crashes later on, but can't remember them until i see them again.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-02-21 18:05

ok, update me if you can ahight ;)

GalantES03 US

2007-09-04 16:26

Apparently I'm the only one who remember's David's car in the first season was a 2000-2001 Green Chevy Malibu LS. I know this because I used to have a 2003 Malibu LS and the interior was exactly the same. And obviously the outside.

wickey SK

2008-02-04 15:58

starting today with season 1

carobserver MX

2008-02-04 22:39

carchasesfanatic wrote appart form the hearse crash at the beginning of the series, are there any other crashes,(or chase, which i doubt)?

In the last episode of season 1, Brenda and Nate have an accident in the Ford Bronco, crashing with a parked AMC Eagle wagon

wickey SK

2008-02-16 19:48

season 1 completed

wickey SK

2008-03-06 17:40

season 2 completed

wickey SK

2008-03-28 22:21

season 3 completed

wickey SK

2008-03-30 21:14

season 4 completed

wickey SK

2008-04-02 19:20

season 5 and whole series completed. I recommend it for everyone, who likes good series :)

mister car from 971

2008-08-19 23:37

This series is known as "Six Pieds Sous Terre" in French-speaking countries

sixcyl FR

2014-12-01 22:29

Aircraft at:

(only 2 seasons treated, so may be not complete?)

midnight US

2021-03-06 19:32

I added 12 missing vehicles.

midnight US

2021-03-06 19:58

Ep 5.12:

[Image: sixfeetunders05e12web-dlavc-ionmkv_snapshot_010522_20210306_134959.jpg]

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