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Daar is een mens verdronken, Movie made for TV, 1983 IMDB

Pictures provided by: chicomarx

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chicomarx BE

2019-12-05 02:36

[Image: cap-daariseenmensverdronken00008.jpg] [Image: cap-daariseenmensverdronken00017.jpg] [Image: cap-daariseenmensverdronken00040.jpg]

Gamer DE

2019-12-06 23:37

If you would literally translate the title into German it would mean "someone is lubricated there"

But I guess it means "someone drowned over there"?

-- Last edit: 2019-12-06 23:37:48

chicomarx BE

2019-12-07 00:34

Ertrunken in German. Da war ein Mensch ertrunken. Don't know how you arrived at lubricated.

Gamer DE

2019-12-07 00:36

'vertrunken' means drunk, tipsy.

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