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Swindle, Movie made for TV, 2013 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ddey65, Chizuru Mizuhara

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Ddey65 US

2013-08-28 16:50

Filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, but takes place somewhere in Illinois.

Ddey65 US

2013-09-01 21:02

A couple of background [*] school buses; A 1988 or later Chevy B-Series, and an International 3800, both with Blue Bird School Bus bodies:
[Image: swindle20131988orlaterchevroletb-seriesbluebirdschoolbus.jpg][Image: swindle20131987-2000international3800-bluebirdschoolbus.jpg]
I was going to give them their own pages, but I changed my mind.

-- Last edit: 2013-09-01 21:03:44

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