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Truckin' Man, US Movie, 1975 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984, Reg1992, no-a

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Also known as:

  • Truckin man (Sweden)
  • Truckin man Trucking, trucking (Sweden)
  • Trucker's Woman (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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Weasel1984 PL

2014-05-02 22:19

[Image: 000.6.jpg]
About the title screen above:
IMDB Trivia wrote ...(it) was originally titled "Truckin' Man" and was shown under that title during the first 6 months of its theatrical release. The distributor thought a change to "Trucker's Woman" would increase the box office.

I expected it will be more funny in its badness, meantime it really can bore you to dead, what is already some achievement like for the action/crime genre (STILL some dialogues are real "top class").

Forklift [*][*]:
[Image: unkconv.jpg]

[Image: 0cadcar.jpg] [Image: 0cad.jpg] [Image: 0cad1.jpg] [Image: zbuick.jpg] [Image: zbus.jpg] [Image: truck.jpg]

Diesel locomotive:
[Image: 00loko1.jpg] [Image: 00loko.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-05-03 20:59:01

Ddey65 US

2014-05-03 00:57

This bus:
[Image: zbus.jpg]
Looks like an old Eagle from the late-1950's or early-1960's.

Ddey65 US

2018-11-13 07:42

Hey, Rifftrax is making fun of this movie now!

Link to ""

Reg1992 US

2019-12-07 09:16

I still have a significantly higher quality version of this movie on my hard drive, thanks to the aforementioned RiffTrax. I can submit upgraded pics of anyone wants me to. See my comment on this vehicle from a year ago as an example.

-- Last edit: 2019-12-07 09:16:53

night cub US

2019-12-07 09:26

Submit them. I'm not sure they're HD, but at least they are in the right ratio for film. As I was browsing through titles on Prime last night, I was looking at this title.

Reg1992 US

2019-12-12 09:54

[Image: tw04.jpg]

Upgraded pics + some new vehicle submissions complete. Made available courtesy of RiffTrax.
Note: There were two versions of this movie - The uncut 1:23:58 version that Weasel1984 originally uploaded pics from onto here, and the "TV edit" 1:15:46 version I have. My shortened version cut some R-rated content and a minute or so of the chase sequence between the Triumph and Chrysler, hence I do not have upgraded captures of 8 of the vehicle entries on here, as they were not seen in my copy of the movie.

[*][*] Forklift:
[Image: tw102.jpg]

[Image: tw22.jpg] [Image: tw23.jpg] [Image: tw25.jpg] [Image: tw28.jpg] [Image: tw29.jpg] [Image: tw31.jpg] [Image: tw33.jpg] [Image: tw34.jpg] [Image: tw38.jpg] [Image: tw39.jpg] [Image: tw44.jpg] [Image: tw51.jpg] [Image: tw74.jpg] [Image: tw84.jpg] [Image: tw96.jpg] [Image: tw100.jpg]

Ddey65 US

2019-12-12 18:37

This is a Ford L-Series.
[Image: tw96.jpg]

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