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Look at Life: Driving Test, Documentary, 1959 IMDB

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kudos SX

2013-05-03 13:31

[Image: titlescreen-1.1.jpg] [Image: titlescreen-2.1.jpg]

One of the best Look at Life documentaries in my opinion, includes footage from the skid pan test at London Transport's Chiswick Works, the London to Brighton Vintage Car Run and various clips of period driving tests.

[Image: racdrivinginstructor.jpg] [Image: racdrivinginstructor-2.jpg] [Image: msadrivingschool.jpg]

London to Brighton Vintage Car Run, if anything is worth listing I can make a page:

[Image: ltbvintagecarrun-3.jpg] [Image: ltdvintagecarrun-2.jpg] [Image: ltbvintagecarrun-4.jpg] [Image: ltbvintagecarrun-5.jpg] [Image: ltbvintagecarrun-6.jpg]

Milkman training with a hand-drawn float:

[Image: milkman-1.jpg] [Image: milkman-2.jpg]

Stationary driving test:

[Image: stationarydrivingtest.jpg] [Image: stationarydrivingtest-2.jpg]

Early Dinky Toys:

[Image: dinkytoys.jpg] [Image: dinkytoys-2.jpg]

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