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Die Horex-Geschichte, Documentary, 2013 IMDB

Pictures provided by: andrepa

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Also known as:

  • Motorradmythos aus Bad Homburg

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andrepa DE

2013-01-10 00:26

Link to ""
[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-47-00.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-46-51.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-46-49.jpg] continues a loosely-knit series of public hessian TV featuring hessian companies like Leica Licher /movie.php?id=1004513200 Wella Henschel Asbach ect.
[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0922-12-57.jpg] Museum Bad Homburg different comcept is to use the bikes in races etc.

-- Last edit: 2013-01-14 00:48:06

andrepa DE

2013-01-10 01:08

Columbus a brand of Motorenwerke Oberursel owned by Horex
Columbus and Horex melted to one brand in 1925
Today Motorenwerke Oberursel making aircraft engines since WWI is part of Rolls Royce
while Horex is coming back with 6 cyl engine, after deletion of motorbike prod under Daimler_Benz aegis in 1960
[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-59-56.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-58-31.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-58-49.jpg]
Luftwaffe Fiat G.91 equiped with engine made by "Motorenwerke Oberursel" GNOM engine in front of BELL UH 1D

-- Last edit: 2013-01-10 04:58:14

andrepa DE

2013-01-10 04:35

[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0923-34-20.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0923-33-25.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0923-38-22.jpg]
60 Horex nearly 60 years old , but youngest owner/driver 18 vivid mythos

-- Last edit: 2013-01-10 04:46:36

garco NL

2013-01-10 12:14

Oh no....

andrepa DE

2013-01-10 14:39

this sounds not to enthusiastic,
am i right in asuming, got a Horror of Horex ?!
[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0922-33-54.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0923-22-21.jpg]
My way or the Highway
Red-Porsche-Killer coming with 4 Regina chain gang engines a 500ccm 164 HP via Harley dragster gearbox developed by Rötger Feldmann and "Ölfuß" consulted by Axel Butterweck a specialist for racing Horex

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 21:01:04

chicomarx BE

2013-01-12 00:38

I dare say the Horex Regina didn't need fifteen separate pages.

/vehicle_564981-Horex-Regina.html :/
/vehicle_565043-Horex-Regina.html :/

andrepa DE

2013-01-12 13:41

the Reginas are all different bikes 250, 350 or 400 ccm all called Regina
but comeback with worlds first reasonable 6 cyl bike maybe of some interest
it is 30% narrower than other 6 cyl by alternating V thus not beeing perfect balanced
it even simulates hammer sound

-- Last edit: 2013-01-12 15:23:40

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 17:14

going on with deleting wonder at a certain point it would be better to delete the movie itself.


2013-01-13 17:15

I'm leaving it for one of the other validating admins to decide because I don't really know what this is exactly.

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 17:16:34

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 17:19

it is docu of german public TV unavailable on DVD yet, that is one disadvantage, but the other is would need support of motorbike affine IMCDb memebers, as some of this docu series were published before, othwerwise wouldn´t have spent some time for editing
as this was a brewery only a few cars, now it is about manufacturer in the range of Suzuki today

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 17:31:21

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 17:39

as i am contributor not deleter

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 21:56:53


2013-01-13 17:41

Just let us think about this ;)

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 17:46:42

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 18:17

thank you, G-MANN!

chicomarx BE

2013-01-13 18:18

The documentary should be kept but also merged where possible. This f.e. /vehicle_565051-Horex-Regina.html and the partly seen Merc /vehicle_565058-Mercedes-Benz-180-W120.html are still unnecessary.

EDIT: and this /vehicle_565042-Red-Porsche-Killer.html ... all belongs in the comments section.

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 18:25:01

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 18:24

thank you chicomarx, as Mercedes only was alibi, to show IFMA 1960, i can put Rennsport Regina in coments, cause it looks that avantgarde in 1960
of course next step would be deletion of special/new makes, but these are the salt in Reginas soup,...


2013-01-13 18:24

Also fill in the model origin for each entry, please.

Is this rusty display bike really 3 stars? /vehicle_564980-Horex-1925.html

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 18:28:34

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 18:39

Hi kegare, it is part of framelike story around the man collecting 22 rusty racing machines , we see his garage than how it is brought to the museum, etc.
i allready deleted 3* Reginas, and wouldn´t mind for it,
mentioned before, i am only interested in SB 35 taking part in real races , VR6 and Schnell-Horex, but what about visitors have seen the story wondering about that old fashioned iron cluster, okay i put it in the comments, later, as it is some work to find between 400 pics,...

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 18:46:47

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 18:51

[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-48-13.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-50-08.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-50-41.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 18:54:10

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 18:54

instantly had the idea to put all the stuff here despite VR 6
and Kawa ;)

-- Last edit: 2013-01-13 19:02:33

Ingo DE

2013-01-13 19:04

Do we have now here the movie with the most comments, but the least pics? :p


2013-01-13 19:05

No, that's probably some page with one of your long off-topic chats :p

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 19:13

[Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-53-52.jpg] [Image: hr-fernsehen2013-01-0921-57-08.jpg] Rex product used to fix Horex key
email plate of ..REX for ingo
brief history of low interest german bike: jar , Gnom Regina , Münch´s 1400 andrepa´s 80ccm than VR6

-- Last edit: 2013-01-14 00:54:00

Sandie SX

2013-01-13 21:58

andrepa, the deleted images can be put in the pages for similar bikes. So far example some of the deleted Horex Regina can be posted here: /vehicle_564979-Horex-Regina.html or here: /vehicle_565053-Horex-Regina.html ;)

andrepa DE

2013-01-13 21:58

that´s a good idea, thank you, sandie!
this one is dedicated to all cooperative admin without stating a name.
[Image: shy.gif]
[Image: halalala.gif]

-- Last edit: 2013-01-14 18:13:58

antp BE

2013-01-14 14:35

G-MANN wrote No, that's probably some page with one of your long off-topic chats :p



2013-01-14 19:34

I hope we have less of an ordeal next time with something like this.

andrepa DE

2013-01-15 00:07

as the look of this page has nothing common, with original intention
[Image: th_headache-pain-ache-headache-smiley-.gif]

-- Last edit: 2013-01-15 00:11:12

chicomarx BE

2013-01-15 01:41

andrepa wrote this one is dedicated to all cooperative admin

Didn't that say "to an almost cooperative admin" before? You're so lucky you changed it. :D

andrepa DE

2013-01-15 02:18

to reveal a secret, hoped for 1 - 5 so headache is from victory party, you are right!

sixcyl FR

2013-05-18 10:18

Aircraft at:
Link to ""

andrepa DE

2015-12-30 22:53

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