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Ein Jahr ohne Sonntag, TV Series, 1969-?? IMDB

Pictures provided by: andrepa

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andrepa DE

2018-11-22 18:12

1.8 depicts construction of KKS online 1972 - 2003 first german reactor to be offline so no more KKS but AKK today :D
Link to ""
[Image: vlcsnap-2018-11-22-15h48m57s66.jpg]

Ingo DE

2018-11-30 18:14

andrepa wrote ... but AKK today :D

Da wäre ich mir nicht so sicher, ob eine AKK-Ära kommt.

andrepa DE

2018-12-20 21:57

location of episode 1.11
[Image: vlcsnap-2018-12-20-14h08m58s13.jpg]
Glinde nearby A24 Reinbek >>> Trittau

Ingo DE

2018-12-21 10:08

andrepa wrote location of episode 1.11
Glinde nearby A24 Reinbek >>> Trittau

:no: at the time of the filming there was no A24

P.S. a special location around there: on the autobahn parking lot between these two exits I,ve plundered an abandoned K 70 25 years ago :D

andrepa DE

2018-12-22 11:21

okay, i'll give a try: i visited a friend of mine living in the Sachsenwald in a Forsthaus were Bismarck made station when in Fridrichsruh
this friend lent his Käfer to Wim Wenders, you can see it in the final scene of 'Der amerikanische Freund' :P

andrepa DE

2018-12-22 11:53

[Image: vlcsnap-2018-12-20-14h07m19s35.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2018-12-20-14h04m30s147.jpg]
stimmt damals nur Autobahn noch nicht A24
but most faszinating to me is the AK Hamburg Ost with its tangential lanes

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