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Dr.チョコレート (Dr. Chocolate), JP TV Series, 2023 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Jnglmpera

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Jnglmpera JP

2023-06-29 10:11

[Image: titlecard.78.jpg]

Series complete. I'm not sure why there's a number of Black Jack knock-off J-dramas coming out lately... Although I guess this one wasn't as blatant as Get Ready! which one of the characters was made to outright look like the unlicensed doctor...

Link to ""

[*].5 LQ Himedic
[Image: ep6_himedic.1.jpg]

LQ backgrounds
[Image: ep1_tractor.jpg] [Image: ep2_bus.2.jpg] [Image: ep4_bus.1.jpg] [Image: ep10_forklift.jpg] [Image: ep10_forklift-alt.jpg]

Kiddy ride at Yomiuri Land
[Image: ep8_kiddyride.jpg]

CGI 787 that isn't worth opening an IMPDB page for (at least for me)
[Image: ep1_787-cg.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2023-06-30 15:42:58

Jnglmpera JP

2024-02-02 08:14

Added IMDB number

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