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Kasimir der Kuckuckskleber, Movie, 1977 IMDB

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Gamer DE

2015-12-24 11:09

This has to be one of the strangest movie titles I have ever heard of! :lol:

Ingo DE

2015-12-26 17:42

Gamer wrote This has to be one of the strangest movie titles I have ever heard of! :lol:

Tja, so spricht eine Wohlstandskröte :p

@the non-German speakers here: a "Kuckuckskleber" is a nickname for a bailiff/marshal/court officer, the guy, who encashes debts. "Kuckuck" (=cuckoo) is the nickname for the , the sticker the bailiff puts on valuables for garnishment. It's based back to Deutsche Reich-times, where the imperial eagle was shown on these stickers.

Related to this is this movie (btw.: the first musical-movie in history, released earlier than the Hollywood-productions!)

and especially this song:

rjluna2 US

2015-12-26 17:48

Danke for the German's idiom :)

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