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Victor, der Schutzengel, TV Series, 2001 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Gamer

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Gamer DE

2016-11-07 17:25

Finished the first episode. I've started with "Blaues Licht und Martinshorn" the pilot was released in 2000 and will get a separate page.

Berlin traffic lights for rjluna:
[Image: trafficnight.jpg]
[Image: berlinlight2.jpg]

Game Boys with Pokemon Red and Blue:
[Image: gbc1.jpg]
[Image: gbc2.jpg]

I decided not to list this background BMW and Golf:
[Image: redgolf.1.jpg]
[Image: blackbmw.jpg]

On far left, with the klutz in front - Nissan Vanette? (There was a view without him but I capped too late)
[Image: vanette.jpg]

Strange wagon - tuned?
[Image: tuningwagon.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-11-07 18:52:38

Baube QC

2016-11-07 17:28

of course.... of all the games you could get on a Game Boy they had to pick a Pokemon one.... [:sarcastic]

Gamer DE

2016-11-07 17:33

Well, those were the games that came packaged with the later Pocket models (which these are) I believe.
By the way, title should be "Victor, der Schutzengel"

-- Last edit: 2016-11-07 17:34:32

karoomay SY

2016-11-07 19:04

Gamer wrote Game Boys with Pokemon Red and Blue

They are both Game Boy Colors in Atomic Purple and Teal colors and the kids are using a link cable to trade Pokemon.
I had Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow and played them on a Dandelion (yellow) Game Boy Color which brings back good childhood memories. :D

Gamer DE

2016-11-07 19:05

Mine is grape. :)

Baube QC

2016-11-07 19:09

maybe it is the fact that i'm an old dinosaur but.... can somebody explain me the buzz around those Pokemon ? :lol:

ElSaxo IT

2016-11-07 19:20

The fun for playing with it and a lot of spare time to waste?

Gamer DE

2016-11-07 19:21

For a moment I thought you were walter and I was in trouble again...

karoomay SY

2016-11-07 19:29

Baube wrote can somebody explain me the buzz around those Pokemon ? :lol:

It's a millennial thing. :p

Ingo DE

2016-11-07 20:50

Gamer wrote
Strange wagon - tuned?
[Image: tuningwagon.jpg]

No, an original Wartburg 1.3 Tourist

Gamer DE

2016-11-07 21:02

2001 only. 2000 was when the pilot was aired. Like this:

-- Last edit: 2016-11-07 21:02:28

Gamer DE

2016-11-08 15:45

Finished episode 2.

After Pokemon in the first episode, we get Digimon in the second. :D
[Image: digimon.jpg]

Baube QC

2016-11-08 16:38

oh yeah... another ?? thing for me.... :D

another millenial thing i guess ? ;)

Gamer DE

2016-11-08 16:40

Yes, but I can't remember it from my childhood. Pokemon, however, was an important part of early 21st century Germany.

Sandie SX

2016-11-08 16:54

It seemed like a cheap ripoff of Pokemon at the time as it came (slightly) later here. I think it's possibly before Gamer's time whereas Pokemon stayed popular longer.

Gamer wrote
On far left, with the klutz in front - Nissan Vanette? (There was a view without him but I capped too late)
[Image: vanette.jpg]

Was the Midi sold in Germany? That's what it looks like but I can't find any under Opel or any German based ones under Bedford.

Gamer DE

2016-11-08 16:55

Yes, we did have the Midi here, instantly thought of this one when I saw your comment:

Gamer DE

2016-11-09 11:33

Finished the third episode. Can someone fix the ratios of my pics? I'm pretty sure they're off.

Suzuki Carry:
[Image: suzukicarry.jpg]

unknown pickup:
[Image: i975587.jpg]

Honda Accord:
[Image: acoordorapplause.jpg]


2016-11-09 12:37

@Gamer - wrong ratio for the pictures pending validation.

Ingo DE

2016-11-09 12:44

Sandie wrote Was the Midi sold in Germany? That's what it looks like but I can't find any under Opel or any German based ones under Bedford.

The name Bedford was never used in Germany. The two only origin Bedford, ever sold officially in Germany were labelled as Opel.


and this extreme rarity. Actually it's the one and only ever, I've seen. It's the same truck on my photo and in the calendar
Link to ""

Gamer DE

2016-11-09 12:51

kegare wrote @Gamer - wrong ratio for the pictures pending validation.

That's what I said...what would be the correct dimensions?


2016-11-09 12:58

Fixed them for you. Resized from 582x260 to 450x260.

Gamer DE

2016-11-09 13:01

I was going to fix them myself, but alright!

The Barchetta still seems to be off...

-- Last edit: 2016-11-09 13:17:52


2016-11-09 13:11

Sandie wrote
Was the Midi sold in Germany? That's what it looks like but I can't find any under Opel or any German based ones under Bedford.

The Midi was sold as an Isuzu here. I saw a couple of them badged as Isuzu during holidays in Italy (a Rascal and a Midi, to be precise).

-- Last edit: 2016-11-09 13:12:59

Lateef NO

2016-11-09 13:55

Gamer wrote Can someone fix the ratios of my pics?

Gamer wrote I was going to fix them myself, but alright!


Gamer DE

2016-11-09 13:57

FML :lol:
(That's a rarely used abbreviation nowadays...)

-- Last edit: 2016-11-09 14:06:23

Gamer DE

2016-11-10 12:04

Finished episode 4. The Suburban, despite being three stars, never has any really good views.

And again, Pokemon...
[Image: pikachu1.jpg]
[Image: pikachu2.jpg]
The German version of "Gotta catch 'em all!" - "Komm' schnapp' sie dir!" (Come get 'em!) is partially visible as well.

Gamer DE

2016-11-11 09:19

Finished episode 5.

Gamer DE

2016-11-12 11:39

Finished episode 6.

Vehicle posters:
[Image: redferrari.jpg]
[Image: kenworth.1.jpg]
[Image: cutawaychevy.jpg]

Large Duplo block for antp's Lego site:
[Image: bigduplo.jpg]

Flensburger Pilsner "Bölkstoff" :D
[Image: boelkstoff.jpg]

Gamer DE

2016-11-13 09:46

Finished episode 7.

Gamer DE

2016-11-14 17:00

Finished episode 8.

C-Class which I decided not to list:
[Image: bildschirmfoto2016-11-14um160311.jpg]

ICE 1 or 2, without a view of the dining car they are hard to tell apart:
[Image: ice1or2.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-11-14 17:01:43

Gamer DE

2016-11-15 14:58

Finished episode 9. Sorry for the smaller size, but here (like on "Die Straßen von Berlin" the picture was centered with a black border frame around it.

Gamer DE

2016-11-16 12:27

Series complete. :)

Citroen ZX in the foreground?
[Image: citroenzx.jpg]

Return of the Pokémon:
[Image: pokemon1.jpg]
[Image: pokemon2.jpg]
[Image: pokemon3.jpg]
[Image: pokemonhat.jpg]
I can't really remember what the Pokémon craze was like in Germany, but for all I know, it was far more subtle than all that Frozen and Minions bull we have nowadays.

Christmas time? Riiiight....
[Image: february2001.jpg]
Anyone know which movie it is? 102 Dalmatians and Highlander: Endgame both opened in Germany on this day, but the poster doesn't match either of them...

-- Last edit: 2016-11-16 12:40:09

karoomay SY

2016-11-16 16:17

Gamer wrote I can't really remember what the Pokémon craze was like in Germany, but for all I know, it was far more subtle than all that Frozen and Minions bull we have nowadays

That's because you didn't exist yet when Pokemon's worldwide popularity began to spread in late 1998 and early 1999 and reached its peaked in 2000 but then began to decline in 2001 when by then you were in your diapers. The Pokemon craze back then was definitely like the Frozen and Minions popularity of its time, so it definitely was not subtle at all.

Gamer DE

2017-04-06 21:21

What does me being in my diapers by then have to do with me not remembering it? :p
(Yes it took me long enough to reply :D )

Okay, put differently, at least Pokémon didn't go as far as having weird and messed-up Chinese online games (I'm dead serious, this exists for both Frozen and Minions, though Pokémon did have its fair share of Gameboy bootlegs)
And you had a variety of different characters (even though only about 150 at the time) so it didn't get boring that quickly. Yes, it may have been a craze, but surely it wasn't cancerous, was it?

-- Last edit: 2017-04-06 21:27:04

Baube QC

2017-04-06 21:29

internet in the late 90's wasn't as common as it is today, if Frozen & Minions had been launched in that period, there wouldn't be such games for them

-- Last edit: 2017-04-06 21:31:15

Reg1992 US

2017-04-06 22:06

I was the target demographic for Pokemon back was really popular but I remember not being interested in it at all :lol: I remember picking up a MAD Magazine titled "10 Ways to Kill Pikachu" which I did find amusing though. That was October 1999 issue. :D

Gamer DE

2017-04-06 22:14

Hey, that's when I was born!

I have a German MAD Magazine issue from July 2000 (bought at a flea market, naturally :D ) on Pokémon and Moorhuhn (a German game where you shoot "swamp chickens" also immensely popular in Germany at the time)
It was titled "PokéHuhn".

karoomay SY

2017-04-06 22:20

There were definitely plenty of terrible Chinese bootleg Pokemon games back then.

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