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11'09"01 - September 11, Movie, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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sixcyl FR

2009-10-08 13:36

[Image: 110901aa.5344.jpg] [Image: 110901ab.4281.jpg]

11'09"01,September 11: 1 film
11 cineast from different origins and culture
11 looks on tragical events that happened in New-York 2001 Sept.11
11 point of views committing their own consciousness
A complete freedom of expression

Therefore, the film is made of 11 segments. There are not vehicles visbles in all of them.

1-SM: Samira Makhmalbaf - Iran
[Image: 110901ba.8303.jpg]

[Image: paysageba.9567.jpg]
No vehicles

2-CL: Claude Lelouch - France
[Image: 110901ca.2627.jpg]

[Image: comcc.797.jpg] [Image: comce.4518.jpg]
No vehicles

3-YC: Youssef Chahine - Egypte
[Image: 110901da.1821.jpg]

[Image: comdb.2428.jpg] [Image: comdd.6465.jpg]

4-DT: Danis Tanovic - Bosnie Herzégovine
[Image: 110901ea.1249.jpg]

[Image:] [Image:]
No vehicles

5-IO: Idrissa Ouedraogo - Burkina Faso
[Image: 110901fa.3122.jpg]

[Image: avionfa.5730.jpg]
Fokker F-28-4000 Followship - XT-FZP of Air Burkina

6-KL: Ken Loach - Royaume Uni
[Image: 110901ga.3552.jpg]

[Image: paysagegm.994.jpg]
1973 September 11 ... Salvador Allende was "suicided" (assassinated in fact) in the "Palais de la Moneda"... few weeks later 30000 peoples were assassinated too... That is another kind of terrorism, terrorism of State ...
[Image: aviongc.8836.jpg]
[Image: paysagegf.305.jpg] [Image: paysagegi.1408.jpg] [Image: paysagegj.6969.jpg]
Kinsinger to Pinochet: Congratulation! Good job Augusto..

7-AGI: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu - Mexique
[Image: 110901ha.9113.jpg]

Black screen for 11 minutes, with many furtives and flash on tragical pictures, and an obvious question..
[Image: paysageha.8867.jpg] [Image: paysagehd.2755.jpg] [Image: paysagehe.4346.jpg] [Image: paysagehf.7462.jpg]
No vehicles

8-AG: Amos Gitaï - Israël
[Image: 110901ia.9273.jpg]

In the same times in Israel, a bomb blasting from a car... violence breads violence

9-MN: Mira Nair - Inde
[Image: 110901ja.6095.jpg]

10-SP: Sean Penn - Etats Unis
[Image: 110901ka.3698.jpg]

[Image: paysagekb.5097.jpg] [Image: paysagekc.3918.jpg] [Image: paysagekf.8357.jpg]
Collateral benefit of twin-towers disappearance, light reappearing in the bedroom of the old guy... cynism at 1st glance?

no vehicles

11-SI: Shohei Imamura - Japon
[Image: 110901la.9000.jpg]

no vehicles

RockRacer US

2010-11-18 09:33

You can also view aircraft screenshots from this film on The Internet Movie Plane Database -

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