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Melissa, Mini-Series, 1974 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Danzie

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Danzie UK

2015-10-04 21:14

Nice little 3 parter, always enjoy anything Francis Durbridge did for the BBC.

night cub US

2015-10-04 23:31

This series needs help with IDs.

Danzie UK

2015-10-04 23:57

Yes, I have not done very well with IDs for this series. Next series I am uploading is from 2000 so I will have no excuses :)

dsl SX

2015-10-05 00:00

No worries. It's what we're here for.

night cub US

2015-10-05 00:19

Danzie wrote Yes, I have not done very well with IDs for this series. Next series I am uploading is from 2000 so I will have no excuses :)

If you're not sure, it's better to leave it blank (unknown).

cl82 DE

2015-10-05 02:19

BTW, enterprising Durbridge sold the script to this series to numerous European broadcast companies. Due to this fact, there`s also a German adaption made in 1966- which features an "interesting" soundtrack by Peter Thomas:

Gag Halfrunt UK

2015-10-05 10:54

The characters in the German version have English names, so I wonder if it has fake Englandshire locations like the German Edgar Wallace films. :)

I see from the IMDB that the first version was made by the BBC in 1964, and Channel 4 did a remake in 1997.

cl82 DE

2015-10-06 01:03

@Gag Halfrunt: You are probably correct as far as the fake locations are concerned. I`ve just read the corresponding wiki-article; as far as the cast is regarded, there were a lot of "Edgar Wallace"-veterans involved- including the director. Along with the even worse, infamous "Heimatfilm"-genre, Edgar Wallace-adaptions have to be the nadir of postwar German cinema.

DidierF FR

2015-10-06 01:18

cl82 wrote (…) Edgar Wallace-adaptions have to be the nadir of postwar German cinema.
Bah, some were not that bad and had at least entertaining value.

(The fact is that German cinema is a bit dead since the 30s.)

Gag Halfrunt UK

2015-10-06 01:45

I looked for the German version on YouTube but found an Italian version also made in 1966, with Englandshire all'Italiano. Yes, there are cars. :)

-- Last edit: 2015-10-06 01:46:52

cl82 DE

2015-10-06 01:48


cl82 DE

2015-10-06 01:53

@Didier: You`re certainly right about German cinema as such, but as far as the German Edgar Wallace-movies are concerned, I disagree. Please forgive me about that, but IMHO, they`re not even entertaining. And guess who turned the Edgar Wallace novels into screenplays for the broadcast companies? No one lesser than .

-- Last edit: 2015-10-06 02:03:55

DidierF FR

2015-10-06 02:04

Mmmh… I may have speak hastily. Actually, I think I saw only one Edgar Wallace stuff and I felt entertained, including for many reasons other than the quality of the script (it has no) or the originality of filming. It simply had been a long time I hadn't seen something in German, moreover "set in England".

About this Reinecker… Well, he was a nazi (rarely encountered in Germany i the 30s, I've been told). Thea von Harbou who wrote Metropolis, Mabuse and M, was a nazi too, wasn't she? Do I have to value their respective works the same (derogatory) way because both were nazis?

DidierF FR

2015-10-06 02:21

I hope I have not been misunderstood and that I shocked nobody.

About films in nazi Germany, I posted one, Große Freiheit Nr. 7, directed by Helmut Käutner who was maybe not a nazi and who made it before directing some tepid cheese-cakes in the 50s ('tepid cheese-cakes'? Sounds disgusting). And this movie is splendid. Unfortunately, it didn't attract anybody's attention, and the vehicles are still un-identified. I'm… aghast and desperate, no less.

-- Last edit: 2015-10-06 02:23:27

cl82 DE

2015-10-06 02:29

Of course not. You`re free to do whatever you please. Each "piece of work/art" can or rather ought to be judged separately just as you indicated. Sometimes, however, the author`s shadow remains visible. And Reinecker always was a opportunist workaholic. First as an ardent propagandist, then as a successful screenwriter who wrote whatever was in demand at the time: Edgar Wallace-scripts in the 1960s, then "Der Kommissar", then "Derrick" from the 1970s on.
And yet sometimes, the brillance of a piece of art/writing cannot be stained by its writer`s flawed persona. "Metropolis, Mabuse and M" will always be outstanding while the Wallace-movies we mentioned are often rather disappointing- at least to me.

cl82 DE

2015-10-06 02:40

It`s great you mentioned Käutner because he was indeed one of the few if not the only director who managed to put up some resistance to the NS-Regime. His 1943 movie "Romanze in Moll" was a very succeeded adaption of a Guy de Maupassant-narrative named "Les Bojoux".

Gag Halfrunt UK

2015-10-18 13:17

I skimmed the Italian version :) and it has quite a lot of UK location filming (especially in episode 2), so it's worth a look for 1960s British cars.

ElSaxo IT

2015-10-19 02:27

I'm watching it right now and looks very nice, nothing of comparable to the latest boring and dullest productions by our shameful State broadcaster...

And yes, it's with cars, for me lots of potential for something very interesting.

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