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Giarabub, Movie, 1942 IMDB

Pictures provided by: AleX_DJ

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Also known as:

  • Die Letzten von Giarabub (Germany)

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2022-09-28 19:46

[Image: giarabub194200019.jpg]

Movie origin: Italy [Image: IT.png] / Filmed in: Libya [Image: it_ly.jpg] Italy [Image: IT.png] / Set in: Libya [Image: it_ly.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2022-09-28 20:40:39

Gamer DE

2022-09-28 19:51

We never changed the flag after the Arabian Spring. Gaddafi is dead, the flag of the old republic waves above Tripolis.


2022-09-28 20:18

Gamer wrote We never changed the flag after the Arabian Spring. Gaddafi is dead, the flag of the old republic waves above Tripolis.

Which should be the correct flag?

Gamer DE

2022-09-28 20:32


2022-09-28 20:40

Ok then this one at time of filming, right?

Gamer DE

2022-09-28 20:40

Well yeah, but my point was that the all-green flag in use on the site is no longer current and should be replaced by the one in use since 2011.

Now I just feel like I was needlessly specific again...

-- Last edit: 2022-09-28 20:43:07

johnfromstaffs EN

2022-09-28 20:46

I wouldn’t worry about it. Being needlessly specific is good, guessing is bad.

Gamer DE

2022-09-28 20:48

No, you see, needless specific in this case means I'm already meticulous about giving non-Russian Soviet films the titles in the respective languages. I never intended this time-period-flag-accuracy-mania as well...

-- Last edit: 2022-09-28 20:49:29


2022-09-28 20:58

Und jetzt verstehe ich schon wider nicht, was ich mit dieser Flagge tun soll :lol:

Gamer DE

2022-09-28 22:05

Let's just say I made an observation. ;)

night cub US

2022-09-28 22:16

I left a message for antp on the forum

antp BE

2022-09-29 09:07

Updated ;)
As well as all others, from as the previous source was not updated since 2005
I also included a few new ones
You may need to force refresh your cache (Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5)
Some will find that the new flags don't look as good as the old ones, but it is easier to maintain and I prefer to have all in the same style.

-- Last edit: 2022-09-29 09:08:39

chicomarx BE

2022-09-29 18:34

antp wrote Some will find that the new flags don't look as good as the old ones

Indeed they suck.

chicomarx BE

2022-09-29 18:38

Why is the US flag twice as wide as the BE flag for example?

antp BE

2022-10-02 13:20

Because their flag has a 10:19 ratio but ours has a 2:3 ratio

Discussion thread:
If someone has time to make the updates/additions in the old style, I can bring back the old ones ;)

-- Last edit: 2022-10-02 13:22:01


2022-10-15 19:04

For IMPDb:
[Image: giarabub194200203.jpg]
[Image: giarabub194202229.jpg]
[Image: giarabub194203869.jpg]


2022-11-25 03:43

A more detailed analysis of aircraft on IMPDB :

-- Last edit: 2022-11-27 17:39:27

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