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Gothika, Movie, 2003 IMDB

Pictures provided by: KAOS, liftarn, der.krusche, Terra

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2006-02-07 01:11

Tourné à Oka, au Québec. Dans la réalité, l'hopital psychiatrique est en fait une école...

Terra US

2016-01-18 22:03

[Image: 1.90.jpg]

Updated to DVD quality images

-- Last edit: 2016-01-18 22:03:15

Baube QC

2016-01-18 23:07

Some parts were filmed at the Penitencier de St-Vincent-de-Paul, of which i could see one of the towers from where i used to work

Carfan1978 SX

2021-03-10 17:17

Really the only scary bit of the film is at the opening logos, specifically Dark Castle Entertainment. The normal version is bad enough, but on this film, the logo is tinted in... BLOOD RED. That makes it 22 times scarier, complete with the thunder and the gargoyle roaring at you.

Terra US

2024-10-08 02:17

Upgraded to HD.

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