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Scorpion, US TV Series, 2014-2018 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sandwad2, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • Škorpion
  • Скорпион
  • Шкорпион
  • Scorpion: Serviço de Inteligência (Brazil)
  • Tým Škorpion (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Σκορπιός (Greece)
  • SCORPION/スコーピオン (Japan)
  • 스콜피온 (South Korea)
  • Skorpionas (Lithuania)
  • Шкорпија (Serbia)
  • 天蠍 (Taiwan)
  • Скорпіон (Ukraine)

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Comments about this movie

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antp BE

2014-09-24 13:13

That series seems to have one more time high quality scenario when it comes to computer stuff: Link to "" :D

jus1029 PH

2014-09-24 16:04

The pilot was directed by Justin Lin, who was popular for the Fast and Furious franchise from Tokyo Drift to 6.

Also, manual 458?! :O

an_unusual_eye US

2014-10-03 17:31

judging by the preview... the datsun 240z used in episode 1 will appear in that episode only... and a ('77-'78 model) datsun 280z will be introduced in that roll for episode 3. unless, of course, they both get used interchangeably... because we wouldn't notice that... right..? ;)

CougarTim US

2014-10-24 01:28

Sandwad, could you go back and possibly get captures for:
Ep. 1.04 - the old car in the garage early on the episode when Walter and Cabe were talking; I think it was a 1949 Chrysler
Ep. 1.05 - the yellowish station wagon in antagonist's driveway; possibly Plymouth

sandwad2 EN

2014-10-26 12:25

CougarTim wrote Sandwad, could you go back and possibly get captures for:
Ep. 1.04 - the old car in the garage early on the episode when Walter and Cabe were talking; I think it was a 1949 Chrysler
Ep. 1.05 - the yellowish station wagon in antagonist's driveway; possibly Plymouth

Will do.

sandwad2 EN

2014-10-30 17:26

CougarTim wrote Sandwad, could you go back and possibly get captures for:
Ep. 1.04 - the old car in the garage early on the episode when Walter and Cabe were talking; I think it was a 1949 Chrysler
Ep. 1.05 - the yellowish station wagon in antagonist's driveway; possibly Plymouth

Wagon isn't worth adding, but here is the image.

[Image: topofwagon.jpg] [Image: sideofwagon.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-10-30 17:26:18

CougarTim US

2014-10-31 02:21

^1979 Chrysler LeBaron Town & Country from Cinema Vehicle Services: Link to ""

Thank you.

-- Last edit: 2014-10-31 02:21:30

sandwad2 EN

2014-11-06 23:47

Haven't had good internet connection but it's been fixed. Will update this (and the other pages) from tommorow.

night cub US

2015-09-22 16:59

From Ep 1.12:
[Image: i769619.jpg]

CougarTim US

2015-10-20 05:21

Ep. 2.05 - Keep an eye out for this custom Yugo pickup in the background:

-- Last edit: 2016-09-10 19:57:18

night cub US

2015-10-24 19:13

Antonelli12 - Sandwad2 is working on this series. When someone is working on a series, board protocol usually means others should not add any entries.

night cub US

2024-02-24 00:33

@Parrilex304 - This show is a good one to do since it is missing the last 2.5 seasons

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