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The Dig, Movie, 2021 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2021-04-29 16:53

[Image: titlea.25.jpg] [Image: title.596.jpg]

Beautifully photographed, well presented true story of one of Britain's most amazing archaeological discoveries. And they got most of the archaeological bits right without over-sensationalising or goofing things up for the cameras, although I have my doubts if the sand outlines would have been able to survive the rainstorms so robustly. It's not high drama, but gently and sympathetically told.


- army truck (there's another behind); London taxi
[Image: r12-30truck.jpg] [Image: r40-15taxi.jpg]

Wirelesses (which magically switch on immediately without delays while the valves warm up - noted on imdb goofs)
[Image: radio2.jpg] [Image: radio.6.jpg]

Plane for impdb
[Image: plane.84.jpg] [Image: planea.22.jpg]

[Image: planeb.41.jpg]

There's a few shots of distant CGI dots flying in formation high in the sky, but too high to be worth capturing.

-- Last edit: 2021-04-30 02:06:31

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