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Tatort - Sonne und Sturm, Movie made for TV, 2003 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ralph

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Ralph DE

2008-03-09 18:42

545. Tatort (2003)
03. "Lindholm" Tatort

Hauptkommissarin Charlotte Lindholm from Hannover (Volkswagen Passat)
[Image: 54500ajt5.3456.jpg]

Greetsiel :
[Image: 54500bsg3.5096.jpg] [Image: 54500dxk0.1956.jpg] [Image: 54500cyx0.8717.jpg] [Image: 54500euo5.2291.jpg]

garco NL

2008-03-09 20:21

That looks like Holland ;)

Ingo DE

2008-03-09 20:25

The civil cars are loans from the car-dealer-company "M-K Automobile" in Bremen.
I know the owner since several years.

Ingo DE

2008-03-09 20:51

garco wrote That looks like Holland ;)

It's Friesland indeed, but the German side. The local language is similar on both sides of the border.

Kris PL

2008-10-28 14:01

HI Ingo,
Do You have contact to this company "M-K Automobile" in Bremen ? phone number maybe ?

Ingo DE

2008-10-28 20:17

@Kris: yes, I have the name-card hanging here. Just send me an Email.

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