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The Honeymooners, Movie, 2005 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ShortCappy

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antp BE

2011-07-19 10:31

@ShortCappy, Your pictures are too "flat", don't you notice that? :p
For the one that you submitted through the forum, I used the resize option to force a ratio of 1.33, giving a size of 539x406, it looks better don't you think?

ShortCappy US

2011-07-19 15:28

I knew something was wrong with the aspect ratio, but didn't bother to take the time to adjust it. The images do look better. Thanks for resizing them! :)

antp BE

2011-07-19 15:41

For the two remaining cars without picture, you didn't find them in the movie or you just didn't search for them?

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-07-19 15:41

Filmed in the USA and Ireland.

ShortCappy US

2011-07-19 16:39

antp wrote For the two remaining cars without picture, you didn't find them in the movie or you just didn't search for them?
I'm guessing the person that made the "BMW 5 Touring [E34]" submission might have seen it in this shot. I couldn't find anything resembling a Suzuki Sidekick Sport within the movie.

antp BE

2011-07-20 17:37

A BMW 5 Touring should be a wagon but it is maybe a mistake then...

tonkatracker US

2011-07-28 04:57

I will get the movie to add the Suzuki as it was well seen even as a background car.

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