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Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda, Movie made for TV, 2014 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Jale

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Also known as:

  • Sharktopus Contra Pteracuda (Brazil)
  • Sharktopus 2: Rette sich wer kann (Germany)
  • Sharktopus vs Pteracuda - Kampf der Urzeitgiganten (Germany)
  • Ośmiorekin kontra pterakuda (Poland)
  • Jurassic Wars: Sharktopus Vs Pteracuda (United Kingdom)

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Comments about this movie

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Jale PL

2017-03-16 17:23

[Image: 1900.12.jpg]

[Image: 1906.15.jpg] [Image: 1907.10.jpg]

For IMPDb:

[Image: 1902.8.jpg] [Image: 1903.9.jpg] [Image: 1915.8.jpg]

[Image: 1901.8.jpg] [Image: 1934.3.jpg]

Baube QC

2017-03-16 17:37

Jale wrote [Image: 1906.15.jpg]

still qualify as a plane in the Flintstones... :D

Gag Halfrunt UK

2017-03-16 20:04

Filmed in the Dominican Republic.

Corkeyandpals US

2018-11-15 23:11

Aircraft at:

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