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The Pacific, TV Series, 2010 IMDB

Pictures provided by: vilero

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vilero ES

2010-05-26 14:03

[Image: 244722-ThePacific.JPG] [Image: 244723-1.jpg] [Image: 246255-ThePacificbis1.jpg]

Episode List: 1.- Guadalcanal/Leckie; 2.- Basilone; 3.- Melbourne; 4.- Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika ; 5.- Peleliu Landing; 6.- Peleliu Airfield; 7.- Peleliu Hills; 8.- Iwo Jima; 9.- Okinawa and 10.- Home

-- Last edit: 2010-06-03 11:58:33

Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-05-26 14:07

Filmed in the USA and Australia, according to the IMDB.

vilero ES

2010-05-28 21:29

2491tj wrote Landing Craft,Vehicle LCV,could carry one 1 ton truck,or 36 troops,or 10,000 pounds of cargo or one Bren Carrier..technically its a boat not an armoured vehicle...produced by Higgins

[Image: 245171-1.jpg] [Image: 245173-7.jpg]

2491tj wrote Landing Craft Personnel (Large), LCP(L)..tecnhically its a boat, produced by Higgins

[Image: 245174-6.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-05-28 21:31:05

vilero ES

2010-06-01 10:53

According these news, the Chevrolet Ambulance seen on left in thumbnail, could be the one owned by Meyer brothers

[Image: 245832-4.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-06-01 17:14:32

vilero ES

2010-06-03 11:00

[Image: 246223-Copia_de_21.jpg] [Image: 246224-Copia_de_26.jpg] [Image: 246225-38.jpg]

[Image: 246226-30.jpg] [Image: 246227-34.jpg] [Image: 246234-61.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2010-06-03 11:04:28

vilero ES

2010-06-03 11:03

[Image: 246228-42.jpg] [Image: 246229-46.jpg] [Image: 246230-50.jpg]

[Image: 246231-53.jpg] [Image: 246232-56.jpg] [Image: 246233-59.jpg]

vilero ES

2010-06-03 11:30

[Image: 246235-63.jpg] [Image: 246236-64.jpg]

[Image: 246237-66.jpg] [Image: 246239-67.jpg]

[Image: 246240-70.jpg] [Image: 246241-72.jpg]

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