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Muzi bez krídel, Movie, 1946 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Robi

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Robi DE

2020-12-15 10:36

Movie completed, filmed in Czechoslovakia.

Aircraft in this movie:
Junkers Ju 52/3m (registration OK-JUC)
[Image: mbk_junkers1.jpg] [Image: mbk_junkers2.jpg] [Image: mbk_junkers3.jpg] [Image: mbk_junkers4.jpg] [Image: mbk_junkers5.jpg] [Image: mbk_junkers7.jpg]
(Obviously fake German markings taped over CSA livery)

Junkers Ju 52/3m (registration OK-TDI)
[Image: mbk_junkers8.jpg]
(operated by CSA, painted like a German civilian machine here)

Amiot AAC.1 Toucan (registration OK-ZDO)
[Image: mbk_amiot1.jpg]
(not sure about this, but some sources say this one - operated by CSA - is a post-war French-produced version)

And the Ju 52's BMW star engine:
[Image: mbk_junkers6.jpg]

Unknown airplane:
[Image: mbk_flugzeug1.jpg] [Image: mbk_flugzeug2.jpg] [Image: mbk_flugzeug3.jpg]

Junkers Ju 88 (?)
[Image: mbk_junkers9.jpg] [Image: mbk_junkers10.jpg]
(a part of the registration is visible, but not too well - checking it would be too much, since nearly 15,000 units of this type have been produced...

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