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Return to Sender, Movie, 2004 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ben68, humungus

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Also known as:

  • Convicted

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Comments about this movie

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ben68 BE

2007-02-12 19:03

With two cute actresses...

Kelly Preston...
[Image: bitmap2pe9.680.jpg] [Image: bitmap9pt9.6749.jpg] [Image: bitmap19xe0.8119.jpg]

and Connie Nielsen...
[Image: bitmap10ut9.2392.jpg] [Image: bitmap17up6.8387.jpg] [Image: bitmap16mj7.7066.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-02-12 19:04:23

stronghold EN

2007-02-12 22:00

where's Elvis then.! :D

[Image: convictedad3.1778.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-12-31 13:28:21

humungus SI

2024-09-14 14:07

[Image: returntosender2004.jpg]

“A shot at a half a million dollars is worth one prison visit.”

No HD for this one, it seems, so I used a dvd source. Nearly all of the original pics were cropped and/or zoomed in. Either way, a much better movie than its general obscurity would suggest.

bonus delivery van:
[Image: bonus002411.jpg]

bonus locomotives (three of them, but only two are properly visible, #214 and #759):
[Image: locomotive005647.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-09-15 16:21:09 (walter)

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