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DOA: Dead or Alive, Movie, 2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ahight, antp

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ahight US

2007-07-08 00:52

image from movie trailer

antp BE

2007-11-22 22:42

Actually this is the only vehicle in the movie (I added few images in your 1st comment on the vehicle page).
I wonder why I watched this one :/ I was expecting something like "Charlie's Angels" I think.

-- Last edit: 2007-11-22 22:42:46

Emi-hime JP

2009-04-01 19:55

This film was atrocious.

One of the only redeeming elements was the fact that some of the characters looked true to their videogame counterparts.

I'll never forgive the makers for the way they portayed Helena, though.

GodzillaFan54 CA

2020-08-12 05:03

DOA = Dead On Arrival

midnight US

2020-08-12 05:40

GodzillaFan54 wrote DOA = Dead On Arrival

Baube QC

2020-08-12 08:18

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