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Spider-Man 3, US Movie, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: garco, ahight, taco, Black Bart 2, Terra

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Also known as:

  • El hombre araña 3
  • Homem-Aranha 3
  • Человек-паук 3
  • Спайдър-мен 3 (Bulgaria)
  • Ämblikmees 3 (Estonia)
  • Spider-Man 3 - Hämähäkkimies 3 (Finland)
  • Σπάιντερμαν 3 (Greece)
  • Pókember 3. (Hungary)
  • Spiderman 3 (Israel)
  • Köngulóarmaðurinn 3 (Iceland)
  • スパイダーマン3 (Japan)
  • Žmogus voras 3 (Lithuania)
  • Zirnekļcilvēks 3 (Latvia)
  • Omul-păianjen 3 (Romania)
  • Спајдермен 3 (Serbia)
  • Человек-паук 3: Враг в отражении (Russia)
  • Örümcek Adam 3 (Türkiye)
  • 蜘蛛人 3 (Taiwan)
  • Людина-павук 3: Ворог у тіні (Ukraine)
  • 3 (USA)
  • Spider-Man 3: The IMAX Experience (USA)
  • O'rgimchak-odam 3 (Uzbekistan)
  • Người Nhện 3 (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


ahight US

2007-06-22 23:21

images from trailers

garco NL

2007-07-22 15:26

Not anymore!

antp BE

2007-07-22 15:28

Where is Sam Raimi's Oldsmobile?

garco NL

2007-07-22 15:30

This one? /vehicle_117796-unknown.html

antp BE

2007-07-22 15:33

Probably, yes. So it is identified now :D

carobserver MX

2007-07-22 23:29

Seems like many cars crashed or destroyed in original ways, not so traumatic like in Transformers


2011-07-26 16:17

This movie does not suck and it really deserves a better reputation but like every other person on planet Earth I still hate the Emo Peter scenes seriously who the tell thought that they were better idea then having the suit tormenting Peter and by the way the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man has justr arrived you can watch it here enjoy

Black Bart 2 US

2015-05-28 13:55

[Image: title.5.jpg]

Black Bart 2 US

2015-05-28 13:56

I honestly thought this movie was a great as the first 2 Spiderman movies, regardless of the ridiculous emo and dance scenes.

jettalover US

2015-05-29 06:24

I disagree, not as good as the 2 previous Spidey movies. A letdown.


2015-05-29 10:13

The main problem for me (apart from those dance scenes) is having three main villains in one movie.

F355 UK

2018-04-19 15:56

Agree, they should have just had Venom, and maybe Sandman, and before the last 30 minutes of the movie

Terra US

2019-07-16 01:10

[Image: amazoncom_watchspider-man3_primevideo-googlechrome7_15_20192_02_15pm.jpg]

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