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Tekniskt magasin, Non-fiction TV, 1957-1987 IMDB

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atom SE

2014-03-07 08:43

[Image: title1.62.jpg]
Show showing the latest in the technical field presented by the same host for the 30 year run!

atom SE

2014-03-07 08:43

A great part of the episode dated November 8 1963 is about Volvo Flygmotors development of a jet engine to be used in Volvo cars:
[Image: bilmotor1.jpg] [Image: flygmotor11.jpg] [Image: flygmotor21.jpg] [Image: flygmotor22.jpg] [Image: flygmotor23.jpg] [Image: flygmotor3.jpg] [Image: flygmotor4.jpg] [Image: flygmotor5.jpg] [Image: flygmotor6.jpg] [Image: flygmotor7.jpg] [Image: flygmotor8.jpg] [Image: flygmotor10.jpg] [Image: flygmotor9.jpg]
As you can see in the last picture; the prop shaft joint is the same as that used on the Volvo PV and Amazon!

Airplane for IMPDb:
[Image: flygplan1.1.jpg]

atom SE

2014-03-09 10:08

Volvo B18 from an episode dated November 16 1962:
[Image: volvomotor1.jpg] [Image: volvomotor2.jpg] [Image: volvomotor3.jpg] [Image: volvomotor5.jpg] [Image: volvomotor7.jpg]

atom SE

2014-03-19 09:58

[Image: title1.64.jpg]
Episode dated january 23 1976

[Image: skrot1.1.jpg]

Interesting train in a coal mine, the miners have to crawl in and lay down in it:
[Image: gruvtg1.jpg] [Image: gruvtg2.jpg]

Aircraft for IMPDb:
[Image: flyg1.3.jpg] [Image: flyg2.3.jpg] [Image: flyg3.2.jpg] [Image: flyg4.2.jpg] [Image: flyg5.2.jpg] [Image: flyg6.1.jpg] [Image: flyg7.1.jpg] [Image: flyg8.1.jpg] [Image: flyg9.1.jpg] [Image: flyg10.1.jpg] [Image: flyg11.1.jpg] [Image: flyg12.jpg] [Image: flyg13.jpg] [Image: flyg14.jpg]

Corkeyandpals US

2015-09-16 02:31

Aircraft at:

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