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Cáca Milis, IE Short Movie, 2001 IMDB

Pictures provided by: GodzillaFan54

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Also known as:

  • The Cake

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GodzillaFan54 CA

2024-04-26 18:47

[Image: 2024-04-252.jpg]
A woman boards a train and can't be arsed to move seats when an obnoxious blind asthmatic men sits across from her so she decides to commit an incredibly stupid murder instead.

Fun fact! The blind man is played by Brendan Gleeson, who would later play Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!
[Image: 2024-04-2619.jpg]

Apparently this movie is part of the Irish end-of-school exams, as students who need to study a form of Irish art have this as one of the options.

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