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Mr. Woodcock, Movie, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ahight, antp, Terra

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Comments about this movie

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antp BE

2008-01-11 22:59

An ambulance ([*][*] role) but really not enough visible:
[Image: amb011523gw2.5959.jpg]

An Audi passing in far background:
[Image: audi004320tq5.7167.jpg]

A blurry Buick Roadmaster:
[Image: broad001538rn2.7978.jpg]

A parking lot with few cars:
[Image: p001818dn9.1321.jpg]

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-01-11 23:12

On the last car park thumbnail isnt the Honda Passport interesting?

antp BE

2008-01-11 23:38

It's quite small to be listed IMHO.

Red Grant US

2008-01-12 02:24

Could anyone whos seen this tell me if this movie was funny?

jettalover US

2008-01-12 03:36

It was mildly funny. The movie had a low-budget feel to it. Two out of four stars.

antp BE

2008-01-12 16:54

I found few scenes really funny, but the whole movie is somewhat not as good as I expected.

Red Grant US

2008-01-13 01:25

Yeah, that's what I expected.

Terra US

2019-09-07 21:33

[Image: amazoncom_watchthewaterboy_primevideo-googlechrome9_7_20191_49_23pm.jpg]

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