
Last completed movie pages

Borat, Movie, 2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: LeboviciAB84, no_car, atom, stronghold, G-MANN, bh, sixcyl, Robi, Terra

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Also known as:

  • Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhsta
  • Leçons culturelles sur l'Amérique (France)

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2006-12-21 22:25

[Image: snapshot20061221162056wb4.7055.jpg]
[Image: snapshot20061221162214vh6.9813.jpg]

no_car EE

2006-12-21 22:43

Last ZAZ pic is from in old Estonian(USSR) commercial :D
zaz commercial
another interesting
with old cars

-- Last edit: 2006-12-22 10:08:31

wickey SK

2006-12-21 22:59

IRT_BMT_IND wrote [Image: snapshot20061221162056wb4.7055.jpg]
[Image: snapshot20061221162214vh6.9813.jpg]

these has to be added to main cars I believe :) they are parts of themovie.

landrover1 AR

2006-12-28 18:19

wickey wrote
these has to be added to main cars I believe :) they are parts of themovie.

you are right at least as a background cars

Weasel1984 PL

2007-01-14 18:15

What a racist piece of... Why Kazahstan?!

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-01-14 18:39

Weasel1984 wrote What a racist piece of... Why Kazahstan?!

Because no-one knows anything about Kazakhstan, so Sacha Baron-Cohen can say what he likes about it and throw in all kinds of clichés about eastern Europe. And apparently he uses Polish words when he's pretending to speak Kazakh.
Quote * Dzienkuje - "thank you." Sometimes used as a greeting in the opening of the Borat segments of Da Ali G Show (from the Polish "Dziękuję"). Also spelled as "Chenquieh" when written by Borat, e.g., his speech on the Kazakh embassy.
* Jagshemash - "how are you?" (from the Polish "Jak się masz?", the Czech "Jak se máš?"). Returning to Central Asia, the Uyghur greeting "yahşimusiz" means "are you well?", and in Uzbek it's "yaxshimisiz." Perhaps ironically, especially in light of Borat's views on Uzbeks, "yaxshi emas" means "not good/well" in Uzbek.
* Dzien Dobre! - sometimes used in place of above greeting, is Polish for "Good Day!." It is also the greeting of Baron Cohen's Borat prototype character Kristo, as well as the greeting used by Borat as he opens the segment in his movie where he is about to meet Pamela.

antp BE

2007-01-14 18:43

Gag Halfrunt wrote all kinds of clichés about eastern Europe

Though Kazakhstan is rather in the Middle-East or Central Asia, no?

-- Last edit: 2007-01-14 18:44:51

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-01-14 18:46

antp wrote
Though Kazakhstan is rather in the Middle-East or Central Asia, no?

Indeed, but the fictional Kazakhstan of Borat, who hates Jews and Gypsies, seems to have more in common with stereotypes of eastern Europe.

Weasel1984 PL

2007-01-14 18:56

They've used a real Kazakh flag, also we can see the map at the beginning. Borat saying some Polish words, because seems that guys which made this movie knows completely NOTHING about Kazakhstan. It isn't fair to do something like that to any nation. Why Masha Raron Sohon can't make a movie about fictional country if as you said most of people (I don't know where?!) never heard about Kazakhstan?!

-- Last edit: 2007-01-14 20:36:21

antp BE

2007-01-14 19:01

Gag Halfrunt wrote more in common with stereotypes of eastern Europe.

Maybe because Kazakhstan is not known enough here to even have some clichés :D

wickey SK

2007-01-15 00:32

well what can you do.. :roll: If I will be from Kazachstan, I really would be pissed.. But the same thing is with Hostel - Bratislava is portrayed as total s*ithole town + all slovak girls as cheap whores and men as mafia types / weirdos.. -______-

Hecubus CA

2007-01-15 00:48

I think it's more the idea that he's taken the western society's stereotypical view of what Kazakhstan is like, and turned it into a character; in other words, it's not so much he wants to reinforce the stereotype, as he wants to show the ignorance of those who buy the stereotype as a real person. But I'm not sure at what level the humour is supposed to run.

stronghold EN

2007-01-25 12:15

[Image:] [Image: borat498aq.8355.jpg]
I rewatched this last night (done captures this morning), so will be adding all the missing background vehicles today (including dvd quality pics of the missing three previously added to the comments by:- IRT BMT IND)

-- Last edit: 2007-01-25 12:15:40


2007-01-26 00:16

Does Borat have the structure of a road movie (lots of travelling around)?

wickey SK

2007-01-26 00:26

G-MANN wrote Does Borat have the structure of a road movie (lots of travelling around)?

yes, basically it does :)


2007-08-31 17:52

Hecubus wrote I think it's more the idea that he's taken the western society's stereotypical view of what Kazakhstan is like, and turned it into a character; in other words, it's not so much he wants to reinforce the stereotype, as he wants to show the ignorance of those who buy the stereotype as a real person.

I think you're exactly right.

chris40 UK

2007-08-31 18:07

I think so too. It's possibly worth remembering that Sasha Baron Cohen is Jewish, and the Jews have been stereotyped more than most.

-- Last edit: 2007-08-31 18:07:41

Ingo DE

2008-01-05 21:08

A pic, I've found in a VW-forum:

By the way: if I would live just one village north of my home, I would have the chance to get a BOR-AT on the license-plate of my car. But I have no closer relations to that movie (and I don't live one village north).


2008-01-13 15:08

chris40 wrote It's possibly worth remembering that Sasha Baron Cohen is Jewish, and the Jews have been stereotyped more than most.

But that scene where he (as Borat) goes to the house of that very nice old Jewish couple and starts acting scared that they are going to kill him, and they show cockroaches on the floor, I don't know how Cohen didn't feel guilty doing that.

holden nut AU

2008-07-18 10:19

stupid movie Borat was!

vilero ES

2009-05-27 12:54

Added 5 cars from deleted scenes and 2 from DVD extra contents courtesy of 'bh'.
Btw, have a look to the (initially identified) as Renault 16 Custom Stretched Limousine. Feel free to say what you think about that thing. :cry:


2010-07-05 00:06

Great movie...! :D

sixcyl FR

2010-07-31 12:05

[Image: 255420-BORAT_1.jpg] [Image: 255421-BORAT_2.jpg]

[Image: 255422-COM_AA.jpg] [Image: 255424-COM_BA.jpg] [Image: 255423-COM_BC.jpg] [Image: 255425-COM_FB.jpg] [Image: 255426-COM_FE.jpg]
Pamela Anderson in the last thubnails ;)

Aircraft in the film:
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2010-12-01 00:15:21

Robi DE

2011-01-30 17:14

German title:
Kulturelle Lernung von Amerika um Benefiz für glorreiche Nation von Kasachstan zu machen

dsl SX

2011-01-30 17:59

robi wrote German title: Kulturelle Lernung von Amerika um Benefiz für glorreiche Nation von Kasachstan zu machen

I'm glad I'm not a T-shirt designer in Germany.

Ingo DE

2011-01-30 21:11

dsl wrote
I'm glad I'm not a T-shirt designer in Germany.

Be happy, that you don't have to be a grammar teacher in Germany :p - they will get tantrums about that horrible wrong text :D


2011-01-30 22:06

It's only about two words longer than the full English title (which is too long for our site)

Crown Vic guy br BR

2011-01-30 22:10

The brazilian name is :
Borat - O Segundo Melhor Repórter do Glorioso País Cazaquistão Viaja à América

pardauro RO

2013-03-10 08:13

deleted comment

GodzillaFan54 CA

2018-07-06 06:20

G-MANN wrote

But that scene where he (as Borat) goes to the house of that very nice old Jewish couple and starts acting scared that they are going to kill him, and they show cockroaches on the floor, I don't know how Cohen didn't feel guilty doing that.

Actually, they were afraid that Cohen and the fat guy were gonna make porn in their guest room because of the camera crew.

Terra US

2019-08-17 22:57

[Image: amazoncom_watchborat_culturallearningsofamericaformakebenefitgloriousnationofkazakhstan_primevideo-g.74.jpg]

Terra US

2019-08-17 22:57

HD Upgrade of Film Complete

night cub US

2019-08-18 07:29

Small/blurry background cars:
[Image: i001289693.jpg] [Image: i001289704.jpg] [Image: i001289712.jpg] [Image: i001289710.jpg] [Image: i001289691.jpg] [Image: i001289705.jpg] [Image: i001289692.jpg] [Image: i001289708.jpg] [Image: i001289697.jpg] [Image: i001289696.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-08-18 12:29:47 (karoomay)

GodzillaFan54 CA

2020-10-01 19:06

Borat 2 is coming to Amazon Prime October 23rd!!!!

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