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Deutschland 83, TV Series, 2015 IMDB

Pictures provided by: achiu31

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achiu31 CA

2015-08-10 20:41

[Image: tt.1.jpg]

Filmed in Berlin.

achiu31 CA

2015-08-19 02:53

Military parade background:

[Image: 0446.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2015-08-18-20h09m16s035.jpg]

Ingo DE

2015-08-19 12:19

achiu31 wrote Military parade background:

[Image: 0446.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap-2015-08-18-20h09m16s035.jpg]

34th "birthday" of the DDR in 1983.

electra225 IT

2015-08-19 15:32

Did happen anythig so special in Germany in 1983 ?
I actually don't remember. I was there (In Rheinland and Ruhr)) in December 1983 and what I can recall is my IMPRESSION of sad people very worried about the risk of a nuclear war. There was in Düsseldorf a brand new movie "The Day after", and people there looked very impressed. I was in Germany (Koblenz) in 1986 in the day in which the new reported the Chernobil nuclear disaster and there everything looked as it had happened few miles ahead. Sorry for this comment but I am spending a lot of summertime again in Germany in these years and Germans look to me much happier than in the 70s and 80s. It is an impression about both the eras but I am wondering if it is the case to say that Germans are happy due to their comparably wealth economical situation...

Ingo DE

2015-08-19 16:06

electra225 wrote Did happen anythig so special in Germany in 1983 ?
I actually don't remember. I was there (In Rheinland and Ruhr)) in December 1983 and what I can recall is my IMPRESSION of sad people very worried about the risk of a nuclear war...

The hysteria and paranoia about the nuclear bombs was indeed the biggest topic in West Germany in 1983. I cannot remember anything really incisive incidents or historical milestones. And I haven't found some by searching

electra225 IT

2015-08-19 16:10

Thank you ingo. You confirmed what I was impressed by, but I couldn't be sure. I always apreciate your comments.


2015-08-19 16:46

The 'nuclear crisis' was nearly its epitome (the debate about it at least) and not only in Germany. Before Scud and Pershing fly and cross borders, sentence and government's declaration made big noise. For example, in Belgium, France's president François Mitterrand said (in short) : "Pacifists are in the West, Missiles in the East" and win a point in the debate. ( This debate was based on the strong opposition of the Warsaw Pact to the new Pershing II (coming in on European theater [Germany] in 1983) and western governments saying that these SSGM (Surface-to-surface guided missile) was in great need regarding the advanced Soviet missiles already on strengh.

achiu31 CA

2015-08-20 00:10

ingo wrote
The hysteria and paranoia about the nuclear bombs was indeed the biggest topic in West Germany in 1983. I cannot remember anything really incisive incidents or historical milestones. And I haven't found some by searching

1983 was also the year NATO conducted its "Able Archer 83" exercise in November to simulate a nuclear attack. The Soviet Union was alarmed by the amount of military activity and briefly thought that they were going to be attacked. Also briefly mentioned in the show was the shoot-down of Korean Air Lines flight 007 by the Soviet Union in September.

Buc84 US

2015-08-22 20:21

Interestingly enough,I lived in (then) West Germany,my (late) Father was a Master Sergeant in the U.S. Army,and his MOS ("Military Operations Specialty"....your job,past being an "11B/Combat Infantryman") was working with 'those' Missiles?? And for part of '83 until we PCS'd (Transferred,and then Retired. He had 34 yrs.),he was attached to HHB,5th Missile Battery,6th Artillery,at Neubrucke Kaserne,Germany? And my 'handle' on here is even related to this! ("Buc 84"....Mascot of my alma mater, Baumholder Amer. H.S.(Buccaneer)in nearby Baumholder,and the year I would've graduated? (c/o 84)) And I remember the bombings,anti-nuke protests and the general concern of the time well? (Though I always for the most part thought of most Germans as quite friendly toward us Americans,even as poorly as some of us conducted themselves??)

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