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10 MPH, Documentary, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Benfolio

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Benfolio US

2012-04-08 16:48

Documentary about the first cross country trip in a Segway, at the maximum speed of 10mph.

2004 Segway HT [*][*][*][*][*]
[Image: 2004SegwayHT.jpg]

[Image: segway1.jpg] [Image: segway2.jpg] [Image: segway3.jpg]
[Image: segway5.jpg] [Image: segway7.jpg] [Image: segway6.jpg]
[Image: segwaybike.jpg] [Image: segwaycops.jpg] [Image: segwayparade.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-04-10 02:20:49

chicomarx BE

2012-04-16 20:36

The director has spotted this page:

[Image: 10mph.jpg]!/hunterweeks

chicomarx BE

2012-04-16 20:44

Another Twitter mention about the site itself by actress Heidi Van Horne:

[Image: vanhorne.jpg]

She must have a slow connection.


2012-04-16 21:56

Recognition at last :D

antp BE

2012-04-17 18:01



2014-04-30 22:50

The stake truck with the (for now unknown) forklift looks like a 1947-55 Chevy/GMC Advance-Design one. With theses wheel rims and that wheelbase, I'll say a 1½-Ton or 2-Ton model. No better point of view?

Edit: the movie can be seen online here. The time code of the "forklift scene" is 00:34:20 (sequence: "My whole life has changed as a result of casting my fate to the wind").
No better point of view of the truck :/

-- Last edit: 2014-04-30 23:23:07

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