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The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream, Documentary, 2004 IMDB

Pictures provided by: boogieman

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boogieman US

2011-08-29 02:21

Ok, I messaged Antp asking his opinion on this submission, and he said he would have to see it before knowing if it should/shouldn't be on here.

Most cars are 1*, but are featured prominently on screen (The movie is about Oil consumption in American Suburban life), while a few cars are referenced as points of interest (honda FCX for example).

The movie has 2 IMDB pages... The one listed above, and this one:

The movie also uses a lot of footage from an older "Short movie", which I was just going to leave in this movies page until I realized that not only does the short movie have an IMDB page, but I can watch the full 19 minute film on the Bonus features of this disc. So, I added that movie here (Please note: Most car footage seen in "In the suburbs" is re-used in "The End oF the Suburbia", but I did not add those cars to this page): /movie.php?id=471208

So, Please do not accept the pictures, until Antp looks it over. Then you guys can decide whether to keep both or merge them or delete both, from there. Thanks!

-- Last edit: 2011-08-29 07:44:00

antp BE

2011-08-29 10:14

It seems fine to me, but I am not the only one to decide in such cases (especially since it is other admins who usually validate contributions :D)

vilero ES

2011-08-29 11:43

To me the documentary is all right. It seems vehicles were/are part of living in suburbs and the transport problem will become worse in future. The only problem I see are car pictures from the '50s. I see them too rectangular when I think they should be more square like the ones in /vehicle_427942.html

Lateef NO

2011-08-29 11:51

I think they're footage that have been stretched to fit with the format of the rest of the documentary, in order to avoid black borders or something like that. If that's how they appear in the documentary, I'd say they should stay that way.

Anyways, these are good pictures, so I'd validate every last one of them :D anyway, that's my point of view :)

boogieman US

2011-08-29 13:34

Yeah, the movie is in widescreen, so when they show clips from older movies, they squish them down to widescreen too to match the rest of the movie. In the other movie, it was a stand alone movie and not part of another, so they left it at it's original Full screen size.

walter IT

2011-08-29 14:14

It seems OK to me too...

badlymad CA

2011-08-29 16:51

For something that discusses the "collapse of the American dream" this doc sure does features a lot of stock footage from Canada.

-- Last edit: 2011-08-29 16:52:01

GodzillaFan54 CA

2017-09-05 03:45

I need help, i am trying to find a picture of a certain car on this sight. It is a 1950s color photo of a light green American sedan or coupe from the late '40s or early '50s in driveway in front of the a house. I have been searching the site for days trying to find this car. I think it appeared in a documentary or short film about the '50s, post-war America, post-war cars, cars of the '50s, etc. Please help! I've search Dodge, Plymouth, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, every American make I could think of!

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