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Prison Break, TV Series, 2005-2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: no_car, garco, milwa, wickey, antp, Corvin, afonso, Inspiron31, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • لهروب من السجن (United Arab Emirates)
  • Prison Break: On the Run (Australia)
  • Бягство от затвора (Bulgaria)
  • Prison Break: Em Busca da Verdade (Brazil)
  • La grande évasion (Canada)
  • 越狱 (China)
  • Útěk z vězení (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Põgenemine (Estonia)
  • Pako (Finland)
  • La grande évasion (France)
  • Απόδραση από τη φυλακή (Greece)
  • Zakon braće (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • A szökés (Hungary)
  • Nimlatim (Israel)
  • Farar az zendan (Iran)
  • プリズン・ブレイク (Japan)
  • Kalėjimo bėgliai (Lithuania)
  • Skazany na śmierć (Poland)
  • Бекство из затвора (Serbia)
  • Побег (Russia)
  • Побег: Продолжение (Russia)
  • Beg iz zapora (Slovenia)
  • Prison Break: Útek z väzenia (Slovakia)
  • Útek z väzenia (Slovakia)
  • Büyük Kaçış (Türkiye)
  • Prison Break: 5.Sezon (Türkiye)
  • 越獄風雲 (Taiwan)
  • Втеча з в'язниці (Ukraine)
  • Prison Break event series (USA)
  • Prison Break: Resurrection (USA)
  • Prison Break: Sequel TV Mini-Series (USA)
  • Untitled Prison Break Revival (USA)
  • Panjara ortida (Uzbekistan)
  • Vượt Ngục (Viet Nam)

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Comments about this movie

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CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-09-27 22:03

I have to say that a Spanish channel ( La Sexta) has started to broadcast this series for the moment ive just seen the first two episodes and oh God that was cool, very good TV series, lets say its different...

Ford_Guy US

2007-04-11 00:49

No more Crown Victorias to add antp?

antp BE

2007-04-11 16:02

There are many, so I supposed that enough were listed... I did not check. Indeed maybe some 1998-2005 models could be listed in addition of the one currently listed. If one is well visible in the next episodes that I watch, I'll add it ;)
I only added few vehicles that were really missing (i.e. models not on the page)

Ford_Guy US

2007-04-11 20:15

Ok, I'm sorry I just love Crown Vics! I actually do realize there's a lot, but the reason why I asked is because some of the ones I've seen vary in years.

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-11-02 00:21

I know about the Escort chase and the Ford Econoline crash but i didnt know fr any other chases? are there any others then Antoine?

antp BE

2007-11-02 00:33

Rambler vs Ford Crown Victoria, if I remember well


2008-02-20 01:32

This is a 1992 or later Mitsubishi Montero in episode 20 of the second season.

Here is the first shot:

Later in the episode it is seen again:

-- Last edit: 2008-05-13 19:03:53

antp BE

2008-04-15 00:37

Episode 3.12: chase between a Chevrolet Suburban and a Chevrolet Impala

antp BE

2008-05-04 23:09

Finished 3rd season - I'll have to regroup some cars I think.

mister car from 971

2008-06-21 02:24

Excusez-moi, mais il y a erreur: La Grande Evasion est le titre français qu'on a donné à Prison Break, mais c'est au Québec que la série s'appelle ainsi! En France, la série s'appelle Prison Break!

antp BE

2008-06-21 11:12

Oui, et c'était aussi le titre de l'épisode pilote.

Corvin UA

2008-09-25 17:28

Here's a shot of 2008 Toyota Sequoia as appeared in episode 2 of 4th season

-- Last edit: 2008-09-25 21:50:23 (Neptune)

Neptune US

2008-09-25 21:54

Thank you, its been added. But in the future, please provide capture(s) for IMCDb in the IMCDb forum under Contributions ... :)

Oh and by the way, what was its star rating ?

Ford_Guy US

2008-09-25 22:29

Four stars. That and a 2009 Toyota Corolla too. Obviously, this season is being sponsored by Toyota.

Neptune US

2008-09-25 22:32

Thanks ...

Corvin UA

2008-09-26 13:28

Sorry, I'm new here :)


2009-04-09 09:27

here is a picture of the K9 unit
99 suburban
I have many more pictures of police cars from this show I'll try to dig them up

-- Last edit: 2009-04-09 12:01:39 (antp)


2009-04-09 09:28

oh yeah it did have a led bar on the roof (with snow)

antp BE

2009-04-09 12:02

Thanks, but for future images please post either links or small clickable image rather than big image directly on the page ;)


2009-05-20 04:38

The final episode of the series just aired in the US. Two episodes, "The Old Ball and Chain" and "Free" will not be aired in the US. They will air in the UK and be available on the DVD.

Here are some captures from the episode, "Killing Your Number."
[Image: prisonbreak421001a.4765.jpg][Image: prisonbreak421002a.1319.jpg][Image: prisonbreak421003a.5572.jpg]
There are several errors present in the scene. First, the police car has a front license plate. Florida doesn't require front license plates. This mistake has been made on shows set in Florida, like "CSI: Miami" and "Dexter."

The car shown is a Miami-Dade Police car.
Miami-Dade Police car:
[Image: miamidadepolicecar001.2711.jpg]
City of Miami Police car:
[Image: miamicitypolicecar001.4791.jpg]

However, the officers a wearing City of Miami Police uniforms.
Miami-Dade Police patch:
[Image: miamidadepolicepatch001.415.jpg]
City of Miami Police patch:
[Image: miamipolicepatch001.7452.jpg]

In addition, the license plate used is incorrect. The police car has a standard Florida license plate rather than a Florida government vehicle license plate.
Florida standard license plate:
[Image: floridastandardplate001.6794.jpg]
Florida government vehicle license plate:
[Image: floridacountyplate001.3084.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-02-11 04:51:52

jettalover US

2009-05-22 05:44

I saw Calif. plates on background cars, so these "Miami" episodes were filmed somewhere in SoCal.

Ford_Guy US

2009-05-22 23:24

APS221, your post really impressed me :)
Anyways, that's the Miami Dade Police's new graphics scheme. But they're not the real deal. Those are old 1998 models with replacement grilles from 2001+ models.


2009-05-23 01:33

ford_guy wrote APS221, your post really impressed me :)
Anyways, that's the Miami Dade Police's new graphics scheme. But they're not the real deal. Those are old 1998 models with replacement grilles from 2001+ models.

I'm glad you liked it. I noticed the cars with the new markings have been used in the current season (which ended this week) of "CSI: Miami." I should also add that the newer Florida gevernment license plates have the word "COUNTY" at the bottom instead of "SUNSHINE STATE" so they can fit more numbers on the plate.

Ford_Guy US

2009-05-23 01:59

I've noticed the cars you're talking about on CSI:Miami. However, the ones that appeared on that show were the real deal. Although they primarily use fake Miami Dade PD cars, it's not uncommon to see some of their real cars/officers pop up in the background from time to time.


2009-05-23 02:09

I think all of the "CSI" shows (Las Vegas, New York, and Miami) spend a few weeks of every season shooting on location in the city where the show is set.

Ford_Guy US

2009-05-23 02:10

Of course. It's obvious when they do many of the exterior scenes ;)


2010-04-15 06:29

There are Chiva Busses that looks like Pinoy Jeepneys.

Sandie SX

2010-07-08 23:40

Ended in 2009.

afonso BR

2011-10-31 16:39

@antp, you have plans to finish the series, I would like to finish the series and add forgotten car

antp BE

2011-10-31 22:52

I was watching episodes from time to time; I do not really like the last season. So you can add pics ;)

afonso BR

2011-11-01 16:06

Series completed.

cudak888 US

2012-02-02 02:51

APS221 wrote Florida government vehicle license plate:
[Image: Florida_County_Plate001.jpg]

Present-day Miami city/county vehicles use yellow plates, but they look different than the example above:

[Image: 4934491477_c6f8e2f177_z.jpg]


-- Last edit: 2012-02-02 02:52:03


2012-02-02 10:46

Yes, as I mention in an earlier post, "the newer Florida gevernment license plates have the word "COUNTY" at the bottom instead of "SUNSHINE STATE" so they can fit more numbers on the plate." Now they're like this:
[Image: floridacountyplate002.6647.jpg]

The police car in your picture has a State government license plate rather than a County plate. The old ones also had "STATE" on the side like this:
[Image: floridastateplate001.6084.jpg]
But, like the County plates, "STATE" was moved to the bottom of the plate to allow more numbers on the plate.

Now, as your picture shows, Florida has started using letters on the City/County/State government license plates.

-- Last edit: 2012-02-11 23:15:40

cudak888 US

2012-02-06 02:00

Roger that.

For the record, I saw an Florida International University P71 Crown Vic last week, which so happened to be wearing the older "STATE" plate - "STATE" to the left, numbers to the right. The vehicle was active and in use.


sixcyl FR

2012-12-28 23:58

Aircraft at:

antp BE

2017-04-19 20:29

Fifth season (2017) is listed separately by IMDb, so it is maybe easier to do the same here:

-- Last edit: 2017-04-19 20:29:53

Inspiron31 PL

2018-10-21 01:49

There is a 1983-1991 Ford Econoline missing from Ep. 1.12.

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