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Driving America, US Documentary, 2015 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Terra

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Terra US

2024-07-26 16:56

[Image: screenshot7474.jpg]

Documentary about, what else? Cars in America. Highlights include a history of the car in America, cars in the movies, and important technological revolutions made in cars (The Pick-up truck, minivan, etc.).

-- Last edit: 2024-07-28 15:39:37

night cub US

2024-07-28 04:33

Is this not the same?

Terra US

2024-07-28 15:39

Thanks for finding it. It didn't turn up when I first searched it

Terra US

2024-07-28 17:02

Admins, I've reached the limit but have more to add. Override?

antp BE

2024-07-28 17:09

There is no override, we will have to validate some so you can add more.

Terra US

2024-07-28 18:25

antp wrote There is no override, we will have to validate some so you can add more.

That's what I meant sorry :whistle:

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