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Treasure Raiders, Movie, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: no_car, Jale

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Also known as:

  • Cazadores de tesoros (Spain)
  • Nocni łowcy (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-09-30 10:30

are there any chases or crashes no_car?

no_car EE

2007-10-01 14:56

chase Camaro vs MB, streetrace, few crasches.

Nightrider RU

2010-10-16 20:14

Dumb, dumb, dumb movie...

Jale PL

2012-02-19 22:30

[Image: 7062.jpg]

And indeed, movie is simply stupid...

walter IT

2012-02-20 10:57

The A6 Avant C4 in the title screenshot could be listed I think... :)

BongoJ2 KR

2012-07-01 03:48

Crash 1989 Chrysler Saratoga, 1985 Mercedes-Benz [W124], 1996 GAZ 31029 Volga, 1988 BMW 5

Moscvich433 RU

2014-04-09 15:21

Stupid movie....

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2016-01-25 18:54

Nightrider wrote Dumb, dumb, dumb movie...

Jale wrote And indeed, movie is simply stupid...

Moscvich433 wrote Stupid movie....

I think it's pretty much unanimous now... :D

-- Last edit: 2016-01-25 18:55:02

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