
Last completed movie pages

Fanboys, Movie, 2009 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Star Wars Fanatic, ahight

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Also known as:

  • Les fans (Canada)
  • Obožavatelji (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Loucos e Fãs (Portugal)
  • Fanboys: Razboiul fanilor (Romania)
  • Обожаваоци (Serbia)
  • Obozevalci (Slovenia)

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Comments about this movie

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Star Wars Fanatic EN

2009-05-04 14:19

This film was made for me ;) Unfortunately it only had a limited theatrical release in the US.

Ddey65 US

2009-05-04 15:04

I know. I had to drive a long distance in order to see it. I was prepared to drive an even longer one if necessary.

Star Wars Fanatic EN

2009-05-04 15:13

It wasn't even theatrically released here :(

Ddey65 US

2009-05-04 20:22

Star Wars Fanatic wrote It wasn't even theatrically released here :(

That's a drag, man. On this side of the Atlantic it's coming out on DVD later this May:

antp BE

2011-03-11 15:26

[Image: fanboysbdripfrenchavisn.jpg]

[Image: fanboysbdripfrenchavisn.1681.jpg] [Image: fanboysbdripfrenchavisn.1681.jpg] [Image: fanboysbdripfrenchavisna.1005.jpg] [Image: fanboysbdripfrenchavisn.1681.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-06-24 17:10:52

ahight US

2021-08-12 23:10

Updated to HD

blurry/small background cars:
[Image: back3.52.jpg] [Image: back3a.13.jpg] [Image: back3b.20.jpg] [Image: back3c.15.jpg] [Image: back4.45.jpg] [Image: back4a.13.jpg] [Image: back4b.21.jpg] [Image: back5.29.jpg] [Image: back5a.3.jpg] [Image: back5b.9.jpg] [Image: back5c.8.jpg] [Image: back6.11.jpg] [Image: back6a.jpg]

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