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À fond (Full Speed), Movie, 2016 IMDB

Pictures provided by: JB, the tornado, antp, timo

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Also known as:

  • A Fondo (Spain)
  • Una famiglia senza freni (Italy)
  • Do dechy (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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antp BE

2017-05-24 23:32

An unstoppable car on the highway.
That feels like a mix of Speed and National Lampoon's Vacation, with the fake crappy car
[Image: Vehicle 979892]

Note to those who want to add pics:
- check if it is not yet listed in comments of another similar car
- include the time-tag

-- Last edit: 2017-05-24 23:33:25

Gag Halfrunt UK

2017-05-24 23:57

Filmed in France and Macedonia.

Presumably they used an unopened motorway in Macedonia.


2017-05-25 00:00

Link to ""

So are some vehicles not 'made for F' as we staded? :think:

Gag Halfrunt UK

2017-05-25 00:05

The head of the Macedonian crew is quoted as saying "They were suprised because in two and a half weeks we managed to get them 400 vehicles for the shoot", so it seems that most of the cars were obtained locally.


2017-05-25 00:10

French plates don't look original indeed, even if some are quite well-made (not every one)

Reg1992 US

2017-05-25 00:27

I'm guessing antp really likes this movie... :D

antp BE

2017-05-25 08:39

:??: why?
It was funny but not especially good


2017-05-25 08:53

Looks interesting, anyway...


2020-02-14 04:37

Did you see the Puma ? (no ! not the Ford ...)

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2022-05-17 19:46

antp wrote
That feels like a mix of Speed and National Lampoon's Vacation, with the fake crappy car
[Image: Vehicle 979892]

Having just watched this, I can say it felt more like another European take on Runaway Car (the other European take being Cobra 11's "Höllenfahrt auf der A4"), only with much more of an emphasis on comedy (Vacation does fit the description, with the weird minivan). A lot of key scenes seen in the other two movies are there, like a passenger getting through the sunroof and nearly falling, the hero braking in front of the car to slow it down, transferring passengers from one car to another (which I guess was also done in Speed), an evacuation via helicopter, etc.

-- Last edit: 2022-05-17 19:50:32

Klumb3r CL

2024-07-22 06:16

AKA "Full Speed"

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