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Across the Bridge, Movie, 1957 IMDB

Pictures provided by: vilero, fred1969

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Also known as:

  • Gevaarlijke Grens (Belgium)
  • Die Brücke der Vergeltung (Germany)
  • Det stjålne ansigt (Denmark)
  • Yli sillan (Finland)
  • Frontière dangereuse (France)
  • O katahrastis (Greece)
  • Al di là del ponte (Italy)
  • På andra sidan bron (Sweden)

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Comments about this movie

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vilero ES

2011-01-28 10:55

[Image: 284712-AcrossBridge00001.jpg] [Image: 284713-AcrossBridge00002.jpg] [Image: 284715-AcrossBridge00005.jpg]

[Image: 284718-AcrossBridge00006bis1.jpg] [Image: 284719-AcrossBridge00006bis2.jpg] [Image: 284720-AcrossBridge00006bis3.jpg]

vilero ES

2011-01-28 11:26

I'd recommend that film, based on Graham Greene's screenplay.

Goof: Continuity
Rod Steiger throws off the train a political assassin. This is seriously wounded and is seen by a tow-truck driver who drives this tow-truck
[Image: 284726-AcrossBridge00016.jpg]

Just only 5-10 seconds later, with both in the vehicle, the tow-truck changes into
[Image: 284727-AcrossBridge00014.jpg]
Probably same make and model but, obviously, a different one.

nzcarnerd NZ

2011-01-28 20:30

I think it is probably another Ford AA but the radiator has been perhaps repaired after an accident. It has a very similar cab.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2011-01-31 14:38

British film shot in location in Spain.

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