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The England of Elizabeth, Short Movie, 1957 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2017-08-15 02:56

[Image: title.403.jpg]
26 minute film ("A romantic overview of England in the Elizabethan Age") taken from
[Image: seebritaincovercompx3.jpg]
British Transport Films Volume Two: See Britain By Train 2-dvd set. Can be seen here, but it's all a bit pompous. Strangely for a BTF film, there's no train content or referencing.

All entries in the first couple of minutes, including these rejects:

- sit-up-and-beg Ford 2-door - 1939 Prefect??
[Image: r01-15ford.jpg] [Image: r01-15forda.jpg]

- old van - if GDA 941 = 1948
[Image: r01-38van.jpg] [Image: r01-38vana.jpg]

- white tractor unit with single-axle trailer - if DCH 824 = Derby, 1952
[Image: r01-41truckdch824a.jpg] [Image: r01-41truckdch824.jpg]

Some nice old houses (not identified - anyone want to play??)
[Image: house.2.jpg] [Image: house2.1.jpg]

[Image: house3.1.jpg] [Image: house5.jpg]

[Image: house6.jpg] [Image: house7.jpg]

[Image: house8.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-08-15 12:21:17

johnfromstaffs EN

2017-08-15 08:44

Thumb 1 is Little Moreton Hall, near Congleton, which is in a county apparently called Cheshire.

Link to ""

Prefect looks right, only built with 2 doors in 1939, Van looks like a coachbuilt gown van on anE83W chassis to me, Tractor may be Bedford S type.

-- Last edit: 2017-08-15 08:51:57

dsl SX

2017-08-15 14:28

johnfromstaffs wrote ..... a county apparently called Cheshire.

No doubt a Rolls-Royce or maybe even a Bentley owner will be along shortly to defend the county's honour. And the cheese is nice.

the sad biker UK

2017-08-15 14:32

dsl wrote
No doubt a Rolls-Royce or maybe even a Bentley owner will be along shortly to defend the county's honour. And the cheese is nice.

Onyx county (q. Clarkson).

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