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Behemoth, the Sea Monster, Movie, 1959 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold, Kooshmeister

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Also known as:

  • The Giant Behemoth (USA)

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Comments about this movie

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stronghold EN

2006-09-28 13:20

[Image: giantbehe70ws9.778.jpg] [Image: giantbehe28is3.8554.jpg] [Image: giantbehe43iq5.6708.jpg]

stronghold EN

2006-09-28 13:26

..some old helicopters..
[Image: giantbehe19ql2.7994.jpg] [Image: giantbehe68ap2.8225.jpg] [Image: giantbehe21vk9.2232.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2006-09-28 19:39

stronghold wrote ..some old helicopters..

Nice pics, I don't remember the type of helicopter on the 2 left thumbnails, but the third is a Westland made under licence Sikorsky

Hiergehts CH

2006-09-30 02:55

stronghold wrote ..some old helicopters..

The 1st 2 are Sikorsky R5s.

Alexander DE

2006-09-30 11:07

hiergehts wrote

The 1st 2 are Sikorsky R5s.

Actually this is a Westland Dragonfly (WS-51), most likely version HR.5. Is is a licenced version of the Sikorsky S-51.

Kooshmeister US

2009-04-20 00:15

Third is actually, cutely enough, supposed to be the same as the first two. The Sikorsky R5 is used to scout the Thames but for the shot of the Behemoth destroying it, it suddenly becomes a Westland Dragonfly.

Kooshmeister US

2009-04-20 00:46

Added a (literal) boatload of vehicles from a scene where the Behemoth attacks and sinks a ferry, as well as additional military and government vehicles seen immediately afterward.

stronghold EN

2009-04-21 10:49

Not a boatload! :) ..but I don't know how I missed all those on the dvd I have? :think: (more than likely, I was distracted by something and missed out that whole scene.!) Good update anyway Kooshmeister ;)
I'll have a check at some time and do a picture upgrade.

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